Hardware equivalent to XBox One S

27 Jul 2009
Afternoon all.

I currently have an XBox One S, in our living room, that is purely used for playing Fortnite and watching Sky Go.

I was thinking of replacing it with a mini PC but I am not sure what to get - what sort of specs would be equivalent?

Seems that I can certainly get away with onboard graphics.

It will not get used much so was I was thinking of getting something used off the Bay of Pigs.
27 Jul 2009
Thanks for the input, guys.

The reason I ask is that my son has a really good gaming PC in his room and, over time, we have rebought all the Xbox games on the PC, anyway.

He has loads of Xbox games that he never plays and the Xbox only gets used when he wants me to join him in playing 2-player Fortnite.

He wants to sell the Xbox and all the games but keep the ability to still play Fortnite, occasionally - I have seen lots of used Optiplex Mini Pcs/Nucs for sale and was hoping that they would do the job.

The graphics would not have to be stellar - just playable.

Edit - or come to think of it, I could even get a cheapy laptop.
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