Hardware fail

18 Aug 2013
Is there a way to check if my psu or my motherboard has given up? I dont have spare parts to test with.. the pc was only booting when i unplugged all usb devices for a few days and now wont even get to bios. The psu is very old and motherboard about 3.5 years..ive tried unplugging the gcard to just use onboard video.
I always buy from overclockers :)
Wouldn't even try booting if components have any value.
Those O'CrapZ had cheap C(r)apXon capacitors and that FSP Epsilon platform even had troubles keeping ripple under control when new.

In short:
Without getting that PSU properly tested with load and oscilloscope connect only components you want to break into it.
That PSU really wasn't that great 10 years ago. OCZ did make a handful of OK/good PSUs, but that's not one of them! It's now had 10 years for the internals to degrade, so it probably can't output what it was originally supposed to (if it could even output what it was supposed to in the first place).

Unfortunately, it has been known for dodgy/poor PSUs to take out the motherboard when they fail/start to fail. Hopefully with a new, decent PSU, the system will start working properly again.
It was a piece of garbage PSU to begin with. Be happy it lasted you that many years and buy a new one. Your CMOS battery might be dead/dying too as that's an older machine you have there.

Might as well pick up a CR2032 with your new PSU and swap em both so you're at full juice. :)

And definitely go gold rated and get a quality unit. Your components will last longer and thank you for it.
Some of the GameXstreams used an FSP unit back from when they were good - not the Epsilon variant - I have one it has decent ripple, etc. stats. However pretty much all of them have a lifespan of about 10 years max before the capacitors are done (so regardless I'd get it replaced). Not 100% but I think some of the later ones used a CWT unit that was pure junk - in other PSUs its been known to take out hardware. The StealthXtreme variant would literally lose about 100 watt a year off its max capabilities :s

That said the symptoms don't really sound like traditional failing of those PSUs - normally you'd get it randomly turning off under load for awhile before it got to the point of boot failures at which point messing about with USB stuff, etc. wouldn't generally make a difference though could just be coincidental - half a chance it is a motherboard failure.
Some of the GameXstreams used an FSP unit back from when they were good - not the Epsilon variant - I have one it has decent ripple, etc. stats. However pretty much all of them have a lifespan of about 10 years max before the capacitors are done (so regardless I'd get it replaced). Not 100% but I think some of the later ones used a CWT unit that was pure junk - in other PSUs its been known to take out hardware. The StealthXtreme variant would literally lose about 100 watt a year off its max capabilities :s

That said the symptoms don't really sound like traditional failing of those PSUs - normally you'd get it randomly turning off under load for awhile before it got to the point of boot failures at which point messing about with USB stuff, etc. wouldn't generally make a difference though could just be coincidental - half a chance it is a motherboard failure.
FSP pushing 150mV ripple into 12V here with highish 100mV reached already around 400W load:
"A representative of OCZ did find my findings concerning and asked that I return the unit for an exchange. I did so, and in the interim I obtained an FSP Epsilon 600W. The 600W version of the power supply the OCZ GameXstream is based on. In testing that unit, I found a good deal of ripple as well. When a brand new GameXstream was finally returned to me, I immediately plugged it in and found the same results as the first sample."

And definitely wouldn't trust cheap capacitor PSU to last 10 years in active use.
Light max hour or two daily use it could likely take but in heavy use even 5 years would be questionable.
(With PSU unplugged/disconnected from wall during other time)

Because that increasing ripple from failing capacitors wears down and in long term damages PC's components.
And boot problems are again caused often by 5V standby's failure.
Which happens easier to low quality caps if PSU is always connected to mains with 5 Vsb operating always.
5V standby rail is used to provide possible standby power to USB ports so unplugging SUB devices can lower load enough to stabilize voltage.
Forgotten about 5v failure - rarely seen it in practise where a PSU has failed and not either died completely or manifest by turning off under load randomly first.

Am aware of the ripple, etc. I have a 600 watt one from release which doesn't exhibit it (or didn't) supposedly some of the early ones are non-Epsilon FSP units - reminds me I should probably chuck it due to age - despite not using it in a few years the caps have probably seen better days.
In active use PC 5 Vsb doesn't get much stress so general secondary failure would be more likely.
But in PC used for hour or two daily and then left to standby for rest of the time 5 Vsb is run constantly and without airflow from fan.

Because of that lately many cheaper built PSUs have higher quality capacitor in 5 Vsb to keep it working longer.
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