Harmony remote not controlling Panasonic GT60 anymore

20 Oct 2002
As title. My Harmony Ultimate with hub only seems to turn the TV on or off if I point the remote at it and am like 6inches away (not an exaggeration). I always forget so have to end up getting up and going "fix it myself" which does work. (Only if 6inches away pointing at the Panasonic's IR receiver)

I'm a bit confused here... It used to work absolutely fine. What can I do? Thanks.
Have you changed any settings or moved anything around?
Does the original remote work ok?
Is is the TV facing a window or something?

If it's stopped suddenly and neither the remote or hub are doing it, I'd try and rule out interference.
Thanks for moving, I thought I posted here first :o

The original remote works fine although now you say it, if I've resorted to that I'm usually up and closer to the TV. I'll try it from further back onthe sofa next time. "Fix it myself" works without fail on the Harmony though :confused:

The TV has a window behind it but we have shutters that are always closed there. Hmn..
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