Harold Wood murder

Well this is clear intent.

Why cant we bolt gun the scum of the earth? They dont deserve sympathy, they dont deserve a chance to rehabilitate.
Well atm police is even afraid to publish its ethnicity and tell not to speculate, which says a lot.
Murderers like this should be stripped from human rights and work in a mine 16h/d for the rest of their lives until they miserably die out of exhaustion.
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Yeah agreed.
Just had a disagreement with someone about what to do with such creatures of the world.
They live in this fairy tale world where a single piece of rehabilitation and funding into the scummiest area's and into immigration resolves all these problems, I almost had a heart attack laughing.
Some scum are just scum and need treating as such, if you cannot identify right from wrong, whats the point in rehabbing them? As it'll only take a event to occur and all that learning will go out the window.
Prisons are way too comfortable and sentences far too short. If, for example, roadmen grabbing phones in London centre would face 5yrs minimum in prison & prison would entail mandatory physical labour(which would also solve/help with costs) they would think twice (or move to France :p )
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