Harry5522's training log :)

27 Jan 2012
The king of the north!
Hey everybody :) here are some stats:
  • 25 Years old (Male)
  • 163 CM (pretty damn small :D)
  • last weigh in was 64kg on 19/7/19 <- OLD Naff Scales
  • this is the first time since i was 17 that i have been in a gym

Updated *starting* stats with new scales 08/08/19;
  • 64.3kg
  • 21.0% Body fat
  • 7.5 Visceral Fat
  • 40.1% Muscle
  • 55.6% Water
  • 1457 BMR
lets get straight into why i decided to start training.... the most honest answer to that question is that i don't 100% know. A few weeks ago something just clicked(or perhaps snapped from sitting in front of the computer all day?) i got online and searched for local gyms and found a small facility with enough equipment and a couple of great trainers.

I phoned up for an appointment and ended up going for a consult the same day. What we decided to do was for the initial month of training was to ease into it with a two day week focusing on good form/movement on a 1-1 basis towards the end of this month we are starting to load weight onto movements now that my form is safe to load. After this month i will be going from the 1-1 into group sessions and three days a week.

Below are breakdowns of my previous training sessions.

  • Goblet Squat (8kg - 3 x 12)
  • single arm floor press (7.5kg - 3 x 12)
  • lat pulldowns underhand grip (15kg - 3 x 12)
  • pallof Press (red band - 2 x 10 each side)
  • incline pushups (3 x 15)

  • Barbell bent over row (20kg - 3 x 10)
  • DB RDL (20kg - 3 x 10)
  • Dumbell incline bench press (7.5kg - 3 x 10)
  • banded hip thrusts (purple band - 2 x 20)
  • plank ( 2 x 30 seconds )

  • Goblet Squat (8kg - 3 x 12)
  • single arm floor press (7.5kg - 3 x 12)
  • lat pulldowns underhand grip (15kg - 3 x 12)
  • pallof Press (purple band - 2 x 10 each side)
  • incline pushups (15/15/14)

  • Barbell bent over row (30kg - 3 x 8)
  • Barbell RDL (30kg - 3 x 12)
  • Dumbell incline bench press (10kg - 3 x 10)
  • banded hip thrusts (purple band - 2 x 20)
  • plank ( 2 x 40 seconds )
  • cable rope tricep extension (10kg - 3 x 12)

  • Goblet Squat (16kg - 3 x 12)
  • single arm floor press (10kg - 12/10/10)
  • lat pulldowns underhand grip (30kg - 12/12/9)
  • pallof Press (purple band - 2 x 20 each side)
  • incline pushups (20/18/16)

  • Barbell bent over row (30kg - 3 x 12)
  • Barbell RDL (40kg - 3 x 12)
  • Dumbell incline bench press (12.5kg - 10/10/7)
  • banded hip thrusts (purple band - 2 x 20)
  • plank ( 2 x 40 seconds )
  • cable rope tricep extension (15kg - 3 x 15)

Shortly in the future i will be starting dead lifts with the goal of reaching 150kg.

As for diet/supplements.

Diet is something i will definitely need help with not in terms of eating too much ect but with what the correct foods to eat are and how much. So if anyone here has some advice regarding what good foods i should be eating please let me know. From Monday i will be fully tracking my intake via my fitness pal so will post that information here in say a week or two.

I have been stacking creatine (20g/day) for 7 days and am now maintaining that with 6g/day and post workout i have been having a 48/50g whey protein shake. I would love to get as much protein and good benefits from food rather than supplements however i know 100% even without tracking my diet i don't intake enough good stuff for my body to use so for now will continue to supplement with whey and creatine.

Thanks for any advice and your time :)
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So do you want to get strong or huge (the two are pretty much the same at this point from a training perspective, but diet will be different)?

Personally, have something protein-y for breakfast, lunch and dinner with an additional snack and you'll be fine.
So do you want to get strong or huge (the two are pretty much the same at this point from a training perspective, but diet will be different)?

Personally, have something protein-y for breakfast, lunch and dinner with an additional snack and you'll be fine.

Hey :)

My main goal is on strength! Any aesthetic changes are merely a desirable bonus :D.

I usually eat 4 wheetabix for breakfast will look at the protein ones next time I buy them! Will look at some good meals for the others to see what has a good level of protein :)
Hey :)

My main goal is on strength! Any aesthetic changes are merely a desirable bonus :D.

I usually eat 4 wheetabix for breakfast will look at the protein ones next time I buy them! Will look at some good meals for the others to see what has a good level of protein :)

Urgh... Whilst that is fine, slather the Weetabix in peanut butter and you'll be away. ;)
Starting 3 days a week from now, new program to follow after Saturday.

  • Goblet Squat (12 X 16 Kg | 12 X 20 kg | 12 X 20 kg)
  • single arm floor press (10 kg 12 | 12 | 12)
  • lat pulldowns overhand grip (10 X 22.5 kg | 10 X 22.5 kg | 8 X 27 kg)
  • pallof Press (red band - 2 x 20 each side)
  • incline pushups (8 | 7 | 8) - Considerably lower only about 10cm from the ground now.
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  • Barbell bent over row (12 X 30kg | 12 X 35kg | 12 X 35kg)
  • Barbell RDL (12 X 40kg | 12 X 45kg | 10 X 45kg | 7 X 45kg) --- main struggle here on last two sets was with grip strength bar was just slipping out of my hand.
  • Dumbell incline bench press (12 X 12.5kg | 8 X 12.5kg | 7 X 12.5kg)
  • banded hip thrusts (purple band - 2 x 30)
  • plank ( 2 x 60 seconds )

Offloading some movements this week just to get used to the new exercise on this program I will be following these for the next 5 weeks. Will load up again in the coming weeks where needed.
  • Goblet Squat (12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg)
  • Half kneeling lat pulldown ( 12 X 15kg | 12 X 15kg | 12 X 15kg)
  • dumbbell split squat ( 8 X 10kg | 8 X 10kg | 8 X 10kg ) <--- these absolutely fried me especially after the goblet squats.
  • dumbbell RDL ( 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg )
  • dumbbell bicep curl ( 8 X 10kg | 8 X 10kg | 8 X 10kg)
  • Band pull aparts ( 20|20|20 red band )

  • Pushup ( 8 | 8 | 6 | 6 ) - Noticed here i seem to be offloading my weight to my left side and pushing a lot harder there. May need to look at balancing that out somehow.
  • Machine seated vertical rows ( 12 X 30kg | 12 X 30kg | 11 X 30kg )
  • superset of lateral sled drags & cable facepulls - The sled wasn't loaded with weights and im unsure of the bare weight, weight on facepulls was 10kg ( 2 sled | 15 face | 2 sled | 15 face | 2 sled | 15 face | 2 sled | 15 face)
  • cable bicep curl ( 12 X 18.1kg | 12 X 18.1kg | 12 X 18.1kg)
  • Cable tricep extension ( 12 X 18.1kg | 12 X 18.1kg | 12 X 18.1kg)

Tomorrow will be

Banded hip thrusts, lat pulldowns, cable seated chest flys, cable pull throughs, superset of forward sled drags and cable facepulls and banded tricep extensions.
Few updates today but will start with my recent training sessions.

  • Banded hip thrust ( 15 | 15 | 15 ) purple band
  • Lat pulldown underhand grip ( 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg )
  • Cable seated Chest fly ( 30 X no weight | 12 X 10kg | 12 X 10kg ) Tried a long set without weight first to get a feel for this movement.
  • Cable pull through - same as previous went very light to get a feel for the movement as new to some of these ( 12 X 9.1kg | 12 x 18.1kg | 12 x 22.7kg )
  • Superset of forward sled drags/Cable facepulls - Sled ( 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 *lengths ) Facepulls ( 15 X 10kg 15 X 10kg 15 X 10kg 15 X 10kg)
  • Banded Tricep extentions ( 20 | 20 | 20 ) Black band
  • Goblet Squat (12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg) * Next week i will increase this to either 24 or 28
  • Half kneeling lat pulldown ( 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg | 12 X 20kg)
  • dumbbell split squat ( 10 X 10kg | 10 X 10kg | 10 X 10kg )
  • dumbbell RDL ( 12 X 30kg | 12 X 30kg | 12 X 30kg )
  • dumbbell bicep curl ( 12 X 7.5kg |12 X 7.5kg | 12 X 7.5kg )
  • Band pull aparts ( 20|20|20 red band )

  • Pushup ( 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 )
  • Machine seated vertical rows ( 12 X 30kg | 12 X 30kg | 13 X 30kg )
  • superset of lateral sled drags (20KG) & cable facepulls (10KG) - ( 2 sled | 15 face | 2 sled | 15 face | 2 sled | 15 face | 2 sled | 15 face)
  • cable bicep curl ( 12 X 22.7kg | 12 X 22.7kg | 11 X 22.7kg)
  • Cable tricep extension ( 12 X 22.7kg | 12 X 22.7kg | 12 X 22.7kg)

So as for the updates. I was taking my weight before at work, on an old clunky pair of tooling scales, these type to be precise


Anyway i have splurged a little wad on some fancy scales to use at home so measurements can now be taken without clothes ( unfortunately i can't be naked at work ) but they also give me several other bits of information such as body fat %. I don't expect this information to be super accurate by any means but as long as it is consistent and i can see differences that will be great!

So i had gone from 64kg on the work scales to 65.5(with clothes)

My new scales weighed me at 64.3 (without clothes). Body fat 21% muscle 40.1% BMR 1457 Visceral Fat 7.5 and protein 19.5% I will update my OP and add these details
  • Banded hip thrust ( 15 | 15 | 15 ) purple band
  • Lat pulldown underhand grip ( 12 X 25kg | 12 X 30kg | 10 X 35kg )
  • Cable seated Chest fly ( 12 x 10kg | 12 x 10kg | 7 x 15kg ) Surprised how much harder 5kg makes this.
  • Cable pull through - ( 12 X 27.2kg | 12 x 31.8kg | 10 x 40.8kg )
  • Superset of forward sled drags/Cable facepulls - Sled ( 1x20kg | 1x20kg | 1x40kg | 1x40kg ) Facepulls ( 10 X 10kg 15 X 10kg 15 X 15kg 15 X 15kg)
  • Banded Tricep extentions ( 20 | 20 | 20 ) Black band
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Been mega slacking on the updates :D.

Haven't missed a day yet on 3 days a week. Will post this weeks numbers and continue forward, can't be fussed back dating so far.


Squat - 40KG - 5/5/5/5/5
Eccentric chin ups - no weight - 6/6/6 - all lowered as slow as possible.
DB single leg RDL - 25KG - 12/12/12
DB Bicep curl - 7.5KG ( still got little girl arms ) - 12/12/12
Plank feet elevated - 2 pads 10cm - 60s/60s/60s

Barbell Benchpress - 35KG - 5/5/5/5/5
Cable seated row - 59KG - 12/12/12
Single arm incline DB bench press - 10KG - 12/12/12
superset LAT sled drags & cable face pulls
  • Lat sled drags - 60kg - 2 lengths - 2/2/2/2
  • Facepulls - 27.2kg - 15/15/15/15
Cable bicep curl - 27.2kg - 12/11/10
Cable rope tricep extension - 27.2kg 12/12/12

Deadlift 80kg - 5/5/5/5/5
Single arm lat pulldowns underhand grip - 36/3kg - 10/9/8
Superset cable chest fly & incline pushups
  • Cable chest fly - 15kg - 10/9/9/8
  • Incline pushups - 7/6/6/5
superset of forward sled drags & cable facepulls
  • Forward sled drag - 60kg - 2 lengths - 2/2/2
  • cable face pulls - 22.7kg - 12/12/12
Banded Tricep exensions - blue band - 20/20/20/20

Squat - 40KG - 5/5/5/5/5 - lower than last week and have a 2 second pause at the bottom of each rep
Eccentric chin ups - no weight - 6/6/6 - all lowered as slow as possible.
DB single leg RDL - 30KG - 12/12/12
DB Bicep curl - 7.5KG 12/12/12 - slow and painful
Plank feet elevated - 2 pads 10cm - 60s/60s/60s
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