Harse Times

18 Oct 2002
Harsh Times

Been wanting to see this, have to go 50miles to see it :eek: (Manchester from Stoke)

Is it normal now for films to be on for less than 3 weeks :confused:

edit, just a fortnight :(

UK release date: 18/8/2006
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harsh times as it is known is EXCELLENT!

there is no real storyline, but it is amazing!
christian bale is an brilliant actor! the ending is also brilliant!
the_one_deep86 said:
harsh times as it is known is EXCELLENT!

Thnaks for the correction

the_one_deep86 said:
there is no real storyline, but it is amazing!
christian bale is an brilliant actor! the ending is also brilliant!

please don't rub it in :(
I really enjoyed this. Christian Bale is prooving again and again that he is a quality actor. It is not too much like training day (same director - which was also a quality film), it is much more loose, it takes the audience on a wild ride hanging with these two best friends - one of which is a total nutter (Bale)! It sets you up for a very 'harsh' ending! :D
Bale is one of the best actors for a long time, he plays every single part to the best of his abilities. It's amazing what he went thru to play the machinist and then on to film batman begins.

from Equilbrium in 2002:


to The machinist in 2004:



to batman in 2005:


Bale, who plays the protagonist, Trevor Reznik, starved himself for over 4 months prior to filming, as his character needed to look drastically thin. He reportedly lost over 60 pounds (27 kg), around a 1/3 of his body weight. He later regained the weight, plus an additional 40 pounds due to weightlifting, during his preparation for playing the lead in his next film, Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins.

He works harder than any other actor i can think of, and it show thru in his work. I cant wait to see this.

oh and look, 'The dark Knight' has been announced
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