Has anybody here tried a Virtuix Omni?

Wish list..

If ocuk would stock a few, id be looking to buy one. That said, would be dependant on software support. I could really see it working well with something like the Arma series, squad or other run/walk type games.
Why not? This one gets pretty close to solving it and we're still in the development stages for VR really.

I agree with MarkD. Can't see how you're going to do walking with any frame or hamsterball solution and get the size down much smaller than this and that is going to be a total barrier to mass adoption. It'll end up in the cupboard under the stairs and only come out at parties.

I'm even dubious about roomscale catching on. Setting up in a large space is a bit more of a commitment than grabbing the controller and running a little box under the telly, which is essentially what mass consumer gaming is on consoles right now.

VR movement is going to require controller or gesture-based control. I'm thinking things like teleport and the PSVR Aim Controller. Like you say, early days. I'm pretty sure we'll see a raft of solutions in the next couple of years.
As has already mentioned, it's because of the size of the thing. Most people don't want something the size of a piece of gym equipment taking up space in their house :(

Yeah I guess there is that but plus is that it does not need room scale.
Me i'd rather have something like this as roomscale will not allow you to go forwards for more then a few meters etc...

I wonder if a light weight fold down solution could be made that could fit under a bed or be put against the wall?
slidey slide socky game

i dont see why a solution like this wouldn't work

basically the sensors should detect leg movement and how fast you move them = how fast you move in game. I dont know about the rest of you but i learnt this invaluable skill of being able to run on the spot.

So yeah socks and lino ftw. Low tech solutions yo.

hell why dont i kickstart this very idea. Just attach some oculus motion sensor boosters to your legs (tech optimized velcro anyone?) and bobs your uncle.

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I can see myself getting something like this once we get to CV2 4k screens and AAA games being available. At the moment i'll let them refine the concept and see what else gets developed.
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