Has anybody here used Citrix Sharefile? - advice

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
For many years I have wanted our department to get away from sending out envelopes with patients encrypted health records & Xrays in them to Solicitors, experts etc.
We've now come to a time because of Covid-19, where people don't want to handle envelopes & discs and our NHS Solicitors who we deal with for cases that have gone further, have given us a location on their Sharefile to upload records and it works a treat.
I want to talk to our Manager into getting our own space and then the 100s of patients Solicitors can be given their own link to download data from and telling him that our own NHS Solicitors already use Sharefile may get him on board but he probably won't consider an alternative (if it's good enough for them it's good enough for us).

So is there anybody here who has setup Sharefile for their own company/workplace?
The prices for 5 staff members to use it looks very cheap (around $50/month for 5) or is this the normal price for such a thing?
So just like my own Synology Server do I just send the Solicitors a link to that specific patients folder and nobody else can see it unless they get the link?

Any advice appreciated.
So just like my own Synology Server do I just send the Solicitors a link to that specific patients folder and nobody else can see it unless they get the link?

Most of the file sharing services like this are as simple as that, but you have to consider where and how that data is being stored when you upload it (would you be encrypting the files before you upload them, are they being stored on servers in the EU). It isn't just convincing your manager but you would need very senior sign off within your Trust.

You might find it easier to investigate the use of some of the existing NHS systems for this; the NHS Secure File Transfer - I've not personally used this so unsure as to how easy it would be to get your solicitors access. Or if you use NHSmail it has built in support for encrypting messages to external addresses.
I would have thought the NHS Solicitors would have looked into this before being able to use Sharefile!!
Both NHS Secure File Transfer and NHSmail will not handle the amount of data we need to send on one patient eg the other day I sent 360meg of Health Records and over 10gb of X-Rays just for one patient.
We did have a meeting about this nearly two years ago and the Trust had got to get this file transfer in place by July 2019, of course it never happened.
I use Citrix Sharefile to store all our documents at work. 6 employee users. Lots of third party clients have access to folders/files and can be given permission to upload / download from specific folders etc. Good audit trails to see who has access to or has downloaded what and when.

Some of the integration tools aren’t the best.

box.com might be worth a look as well.
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