Has anyone bought reproduction boxes for their SNES games?

25 Sep 2012
I have just got myself a Super Famicom to start a small collection of games that I liked when I was younger. I chose a Famicom due to the whole 60hz thing and also because the box art is way nicer than the PAL box art.

A couple of problems though is that collecting boxed games can get pretty expensive plus the condition of 34 year old cardboard usually isn't the best.

So has anyone bought repro cardboard boxes for their SNES games? Any sellers you can recommend?
The repro boxes I was looking at on Etsy were going to cost about £10 a pop so I thought I would have a bash at it myself. I bought a 100 pack of A4 self adhesive shipping labels for about £6 and I bought a ink refill kit for my printer (a basic Cannon inkjet model) for £12.99. I used the website NintAndBox.net to get the artwork and printed it out onto the shipping labels (two sheets, one for each half of the box). Then stuck the shipping labels to a Rice Krispy cereal box (I blacked out the art on the cereal box with a sharpie first). Cut them out, folded and glued them together.

I think it turned out pretty decent. Not as glossy as an original box but I could maybe stick it in one of those plastic box protectors and see how that looks.



Ended up making a few more:


Pretty pleased with how they turned out. The colours aren't quite as bright as the real deal but the actual quality of the boxes is way better than most of the battered, creased and ripped boxes of original Super Famicom games you can buy on eBay.

I reckon it cost about £1 a box to make at the most. Each box = 1 box of Rice Krispies eaten!
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