has anyone chaged enrgy providers?

Npower signed us up for their services despite us only requesting information from them. We were amazed to receive a letter the following week thanking us for switching to them, and telling us we had 14 days in which to cancel.

It took 3 days before we actually got anything other than an engaged tone, and they put me on hold for 20 minutes before I was able to speak to someone.
When I vented my spleen at her, she had the cheek to tell me "it wasn't her fault".
Now there's a line guaranteed to send me over the edge.

It may not be your fault, but you are the only person I can shout at... :mad:

Monkeys of the lowest order, and I'd avoid them like the plague.
I changed form NPower last year. If that helps.

They sent me a leccy bill for £7K for a quarter, normal bill is around £300, I challenged the bill and stop the DD from my bank, they assured me it was correct based on meter readings. We argued for a couple of months, me saying that the meter is wrong, then another bill arrives for £12K (+ £7k for the unpaid bill).

Nearly £20K in leccy bills in 6 months and they decided to take me to court as I was refusing to pay as I thought the meter was FUBAR'd.

I thought they would see sense based on the last 3 years worth of bills I had. I had my day in court. They sent there solicitor, I had a few previous bills and some facts from the great Freedom of Information Act, namely the cost to power Mansfiled Magistrates court for the previous year. Also 2 primary schools in my area, which equated to about the same predicted useage over the year as my 3 bed detached was meant to use.

Magistrate threw it out laughing, whilst suggesting The court should turn more lights off in future.

I never got an apology for the court summons or bills, but as a gesture of good will they decided to change the meter and bill me the same as I paid during the previous period the year before.

i changed from Npower to southern electric in feb, as npower were ridiculously expensive! its an absolute nightmare though, as Npower sent us a final bill of £315 (its a 1 bed flat, not a lighthouse) which i thought was too high, so im in the middle of querying this. We had been paying by DD up until then, so how were we racking up such a high bill!?

Still didnt stop them sending the bill countless times, and getting a debt collector to start harassing me. wouldnt ever use them again. just a terrible company to deal with.
I've changed from nPower to British Gas and hating every minute of it. Despite presenting evidence to the contrary about or gas & electricity usage they still consider us to be in the top 3 Industrial/Domestic users in North West England.

Nor can they get the date of the DD correct. On or before the 26th of the Month does not mean the second of the next month
British Gas are the only other utility company I rate lower than npower.
They tried to stick us with the previous owners bills, regardless of the evidence I presented them with showing that this was not possible.
It is only because we have a friend who works for them that we got it sorted out to our satisfaction and got a cheque sent to us for a refund :D )
emailiscrap said:
she had the cheek to tell me "it wasn't her fault".
Now there's a line guaranteed to send me over the edge.

It may not be your fault, but you are the only person I can shout at... :mad:

Well done for shouting you moron, she should have just put the phone down on you. It wasn't her fault most probably, the person you spoke to probably works at a call centre, and deals with people like you all day ;). She doesn't do the signing up, some other person does that (by all means shout at them if you can find them) she just deals with the repercusions, so have a little stop and think next time eh? ;)

Can you tell i work in a call centre :D I get people you occasionally.
Its probably worth it to get on a dual fuel account (if you use both gas and electricity), but be prepared fora level of incompetance that only utility companies can truely provide.

I switched a couple of years ago and then spent the next 12 months receiving bills from both the old and the new company (Manweb and Scottish Gas) whilst they argued over who's customer I was.
ArchAnGeL said:
specifically to npower.

What are your experiences? They seem to be the cheapest at the moment.

I was with npower once. They were totally and utterly useless, I had billing problems which took months to sort and their customer service reps were rude and surly.

Otherwise fine ;)
I have just changed from n power to southern electris, its taken nearly 2 months, im now awaiting a final bill from npower, it better not be ridiculous. Both british gas and n power are hugely expensive stay well clear of both
I dont really understand utility companies.

How do they operate?

Who actually owns the power stations and pylons/cabling?
LeperousDust said:
Well done for shouting you moron, she should have just put the phone down on you. It wasn't her fault most probably, the person you spoke to probably works at a call centre, and deals with people like you all day ;). She doesn't do the signing up, some other person does that (by all means shout at them if you can find them) she just deals with the repercusions, so have a little stop and think next time eh? ;)

Can you tell i work in a call centre :D I get people you occasionally.
If you choose to work in a call centre for a company with such bad business practices as npower, and the dire level of customer support, then you have to deal with the fact that you are the only link the public have to the company.
If you don't like it, get another job.
FWIW, I've worked in similar roles, and had to endure the same level of abuse from customers. I quickly learnt not to take it personally, and that the customer was frustrated with the company, not me. Unfortunately, I was a representative of that company and had to bear that brunt.
At no point was I swearing or blaming it on the person on the phone.
changed to scottish power. before the price rises npower were the cheapest, after that they would have been dearer for me than british gas.
N Power is a nasty company to deal with. I had massive problems when changed from N Power to PowerGen. They really messed me about, and for some bizarre reason, changed my tariff to something completely different and sent me a final bill back dated with all the new tariff charges. Two years of back charges, it was nearly a grand in back payments plus final leaving bill… £1500 + was a lot of money.

To cut a long story short, I had to contest the charges, and then take the matter with the court. I never actually attended court, as I got a letter from a judicator, or some legal letter, that I’ve still got instructing N Power to cease the claim, as they had clearly changed contracts on me without my approval.

I then called N Power, who claimed to have not been given any information from the court, so I then called CAB, who acted on my behalf, and after a few months N Power finally wrote off any money I owed them in back charges, no court charges and I only paid for what I should have, in which to this day I still reckon was overcharged…

Very bad company, I’d avoid them at all costs. And also, the call centre staff are actually badly trained at N Power.. I called them lots of times during my problems, and not one knew anything, and they weren’t nice, long wait times, and they mostly deserve arrogant callers. I’ve never been so ***** at a company before, and I’ve never had a company take me to court over false bills either. Thankfully I won, and it didn’t affect my credit rating. But it was nearly a year of nightmares, rude customer services from N Power and talking with Trading Standards, local court via letters and CAB.

Worst company I’ve ever dealt with.
emailiscrap said:
If you choose to work in a call centre for a company with such bad business practices as npower, and the dire level of customer support, then you have to deal with the fact that you are the only link the public have to the company.
If you don't like it, get another job.
FWIW, I've worked in similar roles, and had to endure the same level of abuse from customers. I quickly learnt not to take it personally, and that the customer was frustrated with the company, not me. Unfortunately, I was a representative of that company and had to bear that brunt.
At no point was I swearing or blaming it on the person on the phone.

He speaks the truth.... They are a disgraceful company.
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