Has anyone done a 365 project?

13 Jan 2004
South East
As title really? Has anyone done one?

Started one and failed?

I really want to do one, but I know they normally kick off on the 1st January, but I feel that at the beginning of October I want to give it a go as means for really pushing myself to take more photos in a bid to improve, and get more photos of things I otherwise might have overlooked.

I have considered starting it this Friday (and doing a Project 250 or something) as it will be exactly 250 days until my birthday (2nd June), which also marks 3 years since I got my first DSLR and began this crazy photography business properly.

I'm interested to hear/see other people's thoughts/attempts on these kind of projects.
Well, I would hope that I wouldn't take that many poor photographs. The idea of the project really would be to get me carrying my camera more, snapping more, learning more and learning faster.
I'm gonna do an advent one for xmas this year. Start on the first of dec.

I might make a thread, depends how enegergetic I feel in 70 odd days.

That's a nice idea, I like that.

I think once I get my new camera and lens I'll do a month long one, just to get me shooting.

It's silly, I go for days and days without shooting anything, I spend hours a day on photography forums (Here, POTN and TP) and browsing Flickr, wishing I was taking photos, I have a huge list of things (in my head) that I WANT to go out and shoot, but something stops me.

I think I have a fear of failure, not getting a good photo, the idea of a project like this makes me feel like it might help me overcome this problem.
My husband did:


i know the American idea of a 365/365 is to take a self portrait every day - but i hate that idea, it seems so vain!

I did like the one that some guy did where he took a photo of himself everyday for about 7 years, and then put together a 4-5 minute slideshow of them (obviously it sped through them very quickly). It was really interesting to see him age in that space of time.

Looks like your husband did a really good job of keeping the shots interesting, and good as well, not just snapshots :)

Did he struggle?

Is this you?
I think a 52 would give you a better portfolio.

Unless you are someone who goes around to different places a lot, you'll end up with 40% of the photos of your Girlfriend, 30% of your cat, 20% of bits around the house and 10% of other variables.

52 makes you think, and give you time to plan. 365 sometimes forces you to take shots that you might not have taken, merely for the sake of it.

HAHA! That is pretty much my portfolio already!! :p

Good idea though. 52 it is!
WOW! That is very very impressive!

I must say, on first glance, you have many top quality photos as well. It really looks like you haven't just been happy with simple snapshots, you've actually taken time and effort to produce a good image.

I love the variety as well.

New plan, give it a go for a month, see how well/badly it goes. If it goes well, like you, just carry on!

Technically I have already started. I took some photos yesterday, I brought my camera to work today as I wanted to try out my battery grip which was delivered earlier, as I left the house there was some really nice dew on front lawn so before I set off for work I grabbed some shots :)
I was going to ask actually, so you don't upload every day. You're happy to upload 3 or 4 at once? (obviously they are taken on the correct days though).

Thanks for the advice.
Well I am on Day 4 today and I already have a few images to choose from.

Taking my camera to work yesterday was a good choice. As I left work I saw a hot air balloon going really low overhead. So I chased after it and caught it just after it landed in a nearby field.

I have used it for my competition entry this month.

Had it not been for this project then I wouldn't have got it. Yes, I may have off days, but this is the idea, that I do have the odd good day and get a photo I otherwise wouldn't have done, and one that I am really pleased with :)

No judge comments please

That is what I like about this one, I can stop when I want and it won't be a failure :)

I am adding a small paragraph to each photo on Flickr to explain it a little. Which I think adds something to it, it gives a story behind it.

My Flickr Collection for the project is here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/scarysquirrel/collections/72157622321057515/

I hope to at least make 30 days.
I thought I would post a quick update. I'm still going, just done Day 38.

It has been a real struggle the past week or so, with it getting darker earlier in the evenings and being extremely busy at work I have had to use what I see as average photos. However I have just got a 10 Stop ND so I hope to do some more seascapes and landscapes to add further variety.

Helen and I are FINALLY getting of our arses to do another 'Autumn' shoot tomorrow as well, so that should spice things up a bit.

I was close to giving up this week, but managed to battle on through. Rob, I admire you even more for doing this for over 800 days!?!
For those that don't know, I stopped my 'Photo a Day' on Day 50.

It is bloody hard work, your standards do drop, they have to. However I was able to get some of the best shots I have ever captured (imo), so it was well worth it.

The drop in standard for most of the days I found hard to swallow though, which is one of the reasons why I stopped. I couldn't see myself doing a 365 and being happy with it. Although the amount of positive feedback I got from people I hadn't seen for years (via Facebook mainly) does make it very tempting.
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