Has Anyone Ever Claimed an Abandoned House?

24 Sep 2007
Hi All

There's an abandoned house near me, and I'm wondering if it could be an affordable way into property ownership. It has been abandoned for at least two years. I know you can find out who owns it by making a request to the Land Registry. What I'm wondering is how affordable the proper legal procedure would be to take ownership of it. Has anyone ever done this? Does it actually represent a low cost way to obtain a house, or are there high expenses and risks involved? Do you end up having to pay a lot for the house anyway, e.g. the Land Registry would send it to auction? Is there potential for an affordable bargain or is this not a possibility?

24 Sep 2007
Adverse possession. Use the property openly without permission or challenge from the owner for a decade, collect proof for the entire time. Then ask to be made the official owner and still not have the owner challenge you.
I have done a little research, and I think the adverse possession laws have been changed now, such that you can't just squat in it and then claim it. I don't want to squat in it, I am just wondering if there is a proper takeover process available, hence me asking if anyone has done it. I get the impression no-one is ever coming back to this property. If there was a process that meant you could eventually get the house at low cost, I might be interested.

I know there are companies that will pay you a bounty if you report an abandoned house to them, and this makes me think there is a legal takeover process available.
24 Sep 2007
There is a way from land registry you can find out the current owner.

Thanks, yes I saw that, you can pay a small fee and get some info back on the property.

What I haven't found out yet is the process after that. I'm interested to know if the current owner is deceased and no-one is ever going to claim it, how do you make an application, and who do you buy the property off? Would you be able to buy it at below market price, or does it go to auction or something?
24 Sep 2007
I don't think you'd be just able to apply to take ownership of it especially in this property obsessed country where a home is someone's castle and investment. Likely outcome is it'd be repossessed, sold off, proceeds used to pay the outstanding bills and the remainder goes to the Crown if the owner cannot be found (dead/no next of kin etc)
I will look into it a bit. I agree it would not be an easy process, and would probably take years, because I think there is now a procedure in place which makes sure there are no current owners or inheritors first, which takes years. It's probably not worth it but I just wondered if anyone had any firsthand experience. However, I do think it's possible because there are companies that do it.
24 Sep 2007
So I've paid to get the title deed and I now have the name of the title holder, registered to the abandoned address.

I've checked the unclaimed estates list, and they're not on there.

I've been informed by a local that the property has been abandoned for a long time (years).

I'm now trying to see what has happened to the owner, I'd like to trace them. However, I think it's likely they've passed away. I have tried the General Registry Office, and they cannot really help. All they can do is provide a death certificate if I can give a name and a d.o.b. or date of death, which I don't have.

Does anyone know of any other way to trace someone. I have spoken to the council in relation to this and they will get back to me. However, I want to know if there is a way I can find out more about the owner.

Thanks for any suggestions.
24 Sep 2007
There’s a 3 bed semi a few doors down from me, it’s been abandoned for about 15 years. The owner is an older man who lives out of London and for some bizarre reason he has no interest in it whatsoever. It’s just standing there, dilapidating.

It’s a crying shame as it’s a £475k house and would make a lovely family home for someone. I’m surprised the council is allowing it tbh.

If you actually know who the owner is and they're alive, then you can contact them and make them an offer. You never know, they might be amenable to a sale and you'd get a bargain! I think there are also companies who do this and would pay you a finder's fee if they are successful (if you can trust them!!)
24 Sep 2007
So, the question is at this stage, how can I trace the owner (whose name I have) and their relatives? I know there are specialised law firms that do this, as per the TV programme Heir Hunters, but is there a way I can do it myself? I am currently drawing a blank from what's available on the internet, so does anybody know?
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