Has anyone found decent unofficial W800i/K750i themes?

3 Jan 2004
I've browsed through hundreds of terrible ones, seems there are a lot of people out there who are simply very poor at graphic design

I've been uisng SE's equalizer theme but now that its getting sunny the theme makes it tough to navigate in direct sunlight. Need a higher contrast bright theme.

EDIT: not this equalizer theme:


the w800i one
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divine_madness said:

not liking it, i'm trying to find something with minimal lines and extra unnecessary graphics

try this theme out to get what i mean:

Equalizer Theme

Notice the way the menus are all text, the standby screen allows the full display of a wallpaper, there are basically no extra lines. The only problem with it i find is the text msg screen is hard to see in sunlight due to lack of contrast and some of the other menus are tricky too.

Or maybe someone knows of a free theme editor?
KennyBhoy said:
Ram jammed with good Themes for SE phones



sorry, looked through all 24 pages, all of them had that annoying buttons thing on the standby screen that make any wallpaper other than the standard one look like ass :(

They were half decent quality, but not what i'm looking for
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