Has anyone got a Panasonic TX-50DX700B? Recommend an alternative?

23 Nov 2004

Been looking at TV's and today seems a good day to buy one to take advantage of the BF deals. I've read good things about the Panasonic TX-50DX700B on here so i started to look around at prices, etc. The reviews seem largely good,, but there are a fair few on various sites complain about picture quality and being unable to use UHD or 4K on most services (SKY, Amazon Prime, etc).

Has anyone got this TV and shed any light on these complaints? What's the sound like?

Anyone recommend any alternatives? Looking for a 50" TV (less than £700)which will be wall mounted. Predominantly viewing angle will be straight in front on the wall. Well sunlit room, but blinds available. I'd use it for:

- Chrome Cast
- XBox One
- Sky
- Mirracast
- Amazon Prime

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