Has anyone here wrote a book?

12 Jun 2004
Just a random thought really and I could only find a thread from 2019 on the topic:


I have quite a few stories on a topic and thought it could be fun to share and create something. I am confident in my writing abilities and it would be about myself. I have a few ideas on how to make it stand out but it is more of a project I'd like to do so not a job - if that makes sense.

Obviously it needs to be typed up but once this is done...where do I go from there? :o

Can I become self published? How could I find someone to publish it? I am assuming doing it myself would be best or maybe a Mark from Peep Show situation could be fun. :p
Not me, but my wife is a published author with sales in the tens of thousands.

As Diddums said, go self-publish via kindle. Forget a publisher or literary agent, she wasted a couple of years trying that and got nowhere. They receive more submissions than they can ever deal with and unless you've got some kind of marketing hook they can use to sell (usually a celeb), you're not going to get anywhere.

You need a decent editor and even for a kindle book, someone who can do good artwork for the cover.

Don't expect to make a living from it, its a fraction of a percent of authors who can. The vast majority have some other form of income.
Dunno exact details but my brother published a short story via the Amazon/Kindle route to test the waters and is now launching into something more lengthy. Not sure how it is progressing though but initially seemed quite successful.
There are certain literary agents who are taking on - but as above - you really do have to have a spectacular story - or a hook!

Just avoid the vanity publishers... I very nearly fell for it.. offered on paper what looked like a good deal - but ultimately you should not be paying a publisher to publish your book.

Amazon is a great way to test the water - but my understanding is that if you were fortunate enough to then get picked up by an agent / publisher at a later date - you could not easily re-publish your work elsewhere. I do, however, stand to be corrected.

Best of luck.
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