Has anyone OC'd i7-930 and X58A-UD5?

9 Jul 2010
Hi folks, I have the above two pieces of kit and I already have the settings for the 4GHz OC. But for me that is a bit overkill and I do not have the cooling to support it.

I was wondering if anybody had the settings for a 3.0GHz as that should be more than enough for me to run BF3 when it is released. I am betting on the temp difference being much lower than the 4GHz OC while still giving a nice little boost for XFire to exploited.
Sorry to keep this thread alive, but I am considering going for a H80 because I have £100 in gift vouchers on Amazon. Will I see much of an improvement over the Megahalem? I see conflicting comparisons on various websites so I am a little confused.
Now that is a thought, I could upgrade all of the fans on the case and I imagine I would have enough cash left over for something later. All I know is the fans in the case are pretty loud and it would be nice to sort that out.
Aye, but I just want to spend the gift voucher on amazon lol... so I might just go ahead and replace the four 120mm's at the same time haha. Gotta thank my employer for that, they gave me the vouchers.

I am currently asking people on another forum if the fan speed controls on the case will control the speed of the fans when put in the case. I don't want to mow you down with my questions because you have been a massive help already and in effect could have saved me a lot of money. I thank you for that, you have been amazing in assisting me. This site needs a kudos system ;)
Hi, sorry to raise this old chesnut folks. Does anybody know the settings I need to put into the BIOS for a 3.6GHz OC?

Checked on the fans and the current ones seem too get the same (and sometimes better) performance for simular noise level competitors.
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