Has anyone seen anything like this?

23 Nov 2004
The Place To Be
Imagine a front panel on your PC that is basically a graphic equalizer display. So you've got say 20 LED bar displays that go up and down to the music. How geek/cool would that be? Can you buy anyting like that!? :D
I won't deny they are cool, but they are in the £90 region.

If the iMon VFD was £50 I'd consider, although I'm not too sure about everything else it does.
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nightwish said:
Well if you want something a bit cheaper, how about the,
Silverstone FP54 Black Aluminium VFD Display

Normally £49.94 from overclockers, but currently on 'this week only' for £41.07.

I don't think it does the EQ thing I was talking about. I'm looking at some reviews.
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