has anyone used HyperOs?

17 Jan 2004
i was reading their site (hyperossystems.co.uk), think thats safe. doesnt seem like a competitor.

any way i was checking their site out and saw the oneclick etc products. what exactly are they? are they imaging software like ghost/acronis or does it work like system restore?

i am curious about the claims of swapping from one OS to another while in windows? the way i'm reading it i could have XP, XP64 and Vista on there and basically jump from one to the other?

is that right or am i completely missing how this works
hmm, that might be handy. does it only support specfic OS's? i mean could i test xp, a linux variant, xp64 as well as then adding vista32 and vista64 to mess around with?
seen that, but prob of any ramdrive like that is the SATA conns it uses. whether it goes to 150 or 300 meg speeds, its still pathetically slow compared to RAM.

wish they would do a ram bay like that but connect it to a pci-e controller to make use of that bandwidth. 1GB/sec would be good :p
yep, still fast compared to a drive but drives are stupidly slow really arent they?

not worth the expense. for the same cost you can get so many drives and raid them. sure the access time will be higher, but you'll get much more storage space too./

have 3 raptors at the moment ready to raid. just waiting for a 4th. should be helishly quick :)
ah, was interested in linux support to start messing around in it. might just use a virtualpc for that then and see how it goes :) hopefully with virtualisation in future CPUs it may make it easier to use

shame they dont do any kind of trial for hyperos tho - too expensive to just take a chance on
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