Has OC been axed?

They are doing a fourth season, but allegedly it will be based around Caitlin and Seth before he goes off to College, have a google hopefully you'll find some news. :)

possible spoiler:
"This episode picks up about 3-4 months after the death of Marissa with Seth working at a comic book store instead of going to college. Ryan is not living at the Cohen's house anymore and is said to be doing some late night cage fighting. Summer has gone off to college in Rhode Island where she is now fighting for different causes associated with the envirorment"
/possible spoiler

Starts on Novemeber 2nd in america
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Check the Wiki for all the info on it.

Fox only ordered 16 episodes this season, which is odd as every other season, and most other shows, do about 23-24 episodes. It's also going up against new CSI as well as Greys Anatomy. If it pulls in the viewers, they'll order more episodes. But give the dwendling fan response, the loss of viewers and the poor quality of the shows, season after season, I wouldn't bet on there being more episodes unless Season 4 is at least as good as Season 1.
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