Has the Human race become lazy

7 Sep 2021
My 92yr old Dad has a saying...& I quite Agee with him;
I quote:


Everyday, It seems that there is a new invention for the simplest of things.
I have to pinch myself sometimes & think...does somebody really need or want that device.
Just watching TV... the amount of things that can be bought or delivered by the touch of a button.
A few years ago, I hired a ‘modern’ car for a week to go on holiday, but I can’t say that driving it was an enjoyable experience.

I don’t consider myself, particularly old & tend to try & have a view on modern life.
My children are in their early twenties & have quite a few younger members of the family.

I really have to ask myself... what does THEIR future look like.
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Agreed.... using technology to moan about the technology of today.

Technology has its place in the world...or else we would still be ploughing fields with horses...
But...is it reaching saturation point now.

The way I look at it... children / teenagers of today have grown up, not knowing any different.
To them, it is just a normal way of life.
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I find it quite funny when you watch an OLD series or film that was set in the future...they usually wasn’t very far out.
I read somewhere, that cars should be classed as ‘white goods’...

There again...When we bought the original PlayStation, I got my Binetone ‘bip bop’ tennis / Hocky / basketball TV game out of the attic for comparison.
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Some very interesting views & comments on here.

It gets you thinking about when our ancestors discovered fire or invented the wheel... how society would have reacted at first.
I expect that there were a a few sceptics at the time too.
Technology is what has allowed most of us to live longer than 35 and your father to 92.

If you could reverse and make harder some tasks what would you pick OP to ensure Humanities sirvival?

Good question...
It’s a shame that he’s on holiday at the moment, it would be interesting to hear his comments.
I suppose he is reasonably fit & healthy for his age... but he puts that down to hard work & working outside for a majority of his life.We agree to disagree on a lot of things, but obviously he won’t see many more years of development.
What views do our elders have on life as a whole regarding technology of today.
We have out iPads, but he only uses it really for news & recreational purposes.
The Facebook side of things, although in his name is controlled by me.
NB: He used to be able to rip a car apart....just don’t ask him to tune in a TV though.
(Rocket science)

What’s that saying... Work smarter, not harder.

Personally... I can’t gel with this electric car monopoly, & I don’t want to get involved in the environmental issues.
But... will it pull a caravan, but more importantly. How far.
NB: When the ‘older’ cars did break down... at least you had a good chance of repairing them.yourself.

My last job, the technology we used & being developed, actually had a dramatic impact on the job.
Not for the better either...the process was made about 25% longer due to the added technology.
No doubt, that would be minimised over time.
It was a manual job, but technology was a thinly veiled ‘Big brother’ for people far, far away.
( But you try telling them, that more could be achieved without so much interference)
This was within in the medical service too.
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In someways yes.

Simply don't understand why customers that don't park in our store's car park, then push a full trolley to another car park and leave it there. We sometimes don't have the staff to go around the 3-4 car parks in the area to collect them. As the management prefer to fill shelves and serve customers. If they can push a full trolley for 3 mins, they can push an empty one to the store. If they can't do this, why can't they park in our car park FFS?

Why can’t you push it there for them... then you can bring the trolley back with you.
( But keep the £1)
I think the end game is that we will all not work and all time will be used for recreational activities. Child births will more than likely go through the roof and will be capped and as all manufacturing will be done by robots everyone will want for nothing.

Although having a teenage daughter myself I can see clearly the effects of mobile phones. She is social in the internet sense but not like how I was actually going out the house or having friends round playing N64.

Re birth rate: Not far off that now... we aren’t needed for conception.
Just go online... enter your spec & it’s delivered for you.
Miss the pub, standing around & telling a silly joke...have a laugh.
Not the same, when somebody just shows you it on their phone... where’s the fun in cocking it up.
Agreed... it has become a Social disease.
( Hands up... I’m not squeaky clean, but not when I’m socialising)
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It’s certainly had an impact on language...sometimes when I get a message , I have to use good old Google to decipher it.
Where’s Alan Turing etc when you need him.

Re University: My old place of work, looked on having a Degree as the ‘ability to retain information’.
Hence, our head of HR (or its equivalent today) had a Degree in Zoology.
Well... there was some animals employed there.
(We wasn’t all monkeys)
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