Has there been a Win10 update or something that has changed mouse sensitivity?

20 Oct 2002
I'm thoroughly confused here. I have a Razer Viper Mini running Razer Synapse. My profile hasn't changed, it hasn't updated recently yet when I went to play CSGO my mouse was roughly twice as sensitive as it was. It was unplayable. I can't figure out what the heck has changed in my settings. Windows mouse accel is off, my CSGO config is the same, my Viper config is the same. What else can I check? :confused:

In Windows it sort of feels like mouse accel is on now (it isn't, it may just be more sensitive). Hmn.. :confused:
Does it have buttons on the mouse to adjust doing on the fly? I've found with mine (not a razor) it sometimes freaks out and I have to go to a different setting then back again to reinititalise it.
Yeah it does but I've never touched it! Pretty sure I was using the max DPI but that now seems crazy-sensitive in Windows. I had a profile saved within Razer Synapse which is still there and loaded.

I have similar issues, although switching back and forth between dpi fixes it, pretty sure it’s because I use a USB switch.
I also use a switcher between my work Mac and my Win10 machine. Both seem wrong now. Argh :(

the only thing I can remember doing was I loaded CSGO, my friend messaged me on there and we were chatting for a while (which I never do). So I swapped between the chat/community stuff in Steam and CSGO main menu :o
It probably wasn't at max DPI as the maximum DPI is almost unusably high.
Yeah you're right. Max is 8,500 but when I put that on, using my work Mac with OS sensitivity set to the lowest... yeah there's no way I was using that. Probably 3,200 seems more 'familiar' but argh this is so off-putting... :(:(

Remember kids, write your DPI and sensitivity into your CSGO configs!
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