Have a laugh at my expense...

30 Sep 2003
So today was the first day of my week off from the daily grind that is work, problem being that I had to work with a group of middle school kids on my first day back building bird boxes so I need to get some wood.

So after poping into work and finding out that the group would consist of 20 and not the 12 I had been told before I drive off up to B&Q to get the lengths of wood that I need. After finding what I want I go to find a bright orange person to cut it down to the correct length for me. The response I got was "nah mate, won't touch that it's less than 9" wide" :confused: "new policy you see".... ffs, I can't be bothered with this i'll take it and sort it out later.

So I go to my car with 20 2m lengths of wood and open up my boot... to see that I hadn't taken my shelf out GREAT. so after much faffing around I manage to get the wood and my parcel shelf into my car. Excellent theres no way thats shifting.

I get as far as the mini roundabout (about 600yards) and half the wood falls off my passenger seat ontop of me.... grrrrrr. So I pull off the road and take out my parcel shelf and put it ontop of my car, prop the wood up and carry on to work.

After unloading the wood (to a first floor office via no less than 5 doors, 3 of which need a swipe key to gain access) I'm off rather annoyed at the fact that my holiday was being wasted faffing about doing work stuff.

I get home and my mum tells me she's got a doctors appointment, not wanting her to walk all the way down there in the cold I drive her down and as i'm waiting for her I think "I know i'll sort my seats/boot out after taking it all apart to get that wood in" I open the boot and think wheres my parcel shelf? Its then that I remember putting it on the roof of my car... but I don't remember taking it off again. :mad:

So the first day of my holiday has been wasted and i've lost my stinking parcel shelf :mad: x2

Hopefully having a chuckle at my stupidity will brighten up this otherwise **** of a day ;)

*goes off to search ebay for parcel shelves*
TripleT said:
Haha - sorry :p

Did you not notice it fall off the roof?!
No :o

The power of hindsight tells me that as I was pulling off the guy in the Volvo wasn't infact doing a "i'll let you out mate" flash and was infact doing a "stop you fool, you've got something on your roof" flash :o :(
was helping my parents with decorating for a relative, they were in one car with all the materials and stuff, I was in another car (so I could disappear if I wasn't needed anymore) pulling off the drive I heard a rattle on the roof, I thought my dad had left some tools on it when it was in the garage and he was getting stuff ready, anyway I think its just fallen off onto the drive, and continue with the turn (can't sit half on the road looking through the back window for it), so complete the turn and hear the rattle again, so I pull off the road near the shops and check the roof naff all up there, and continue my journey, my dad has to pop home for something a bit later, and finds a standley knife across the road from our driveway :o
My sister tried to drive home from her police training with a riot helmet on the roof the other day :D
What car you got m8, could be lucky.

I have a spare Pug 106 parcel shelf with some speakers in - been in my cupboard for years !!! I live in Norwich also !
Shimmyhill said:
What car you got m8, could be lucky.

I have a spare Pug 106 parcel shelf with some speakers in - been in my cupboard for years !!! I live in Norwich also !
Thanks for the offer mate. Damn close but just one digit out- i've got a 306 :p
Sorry mate I had to laugh at the fella that actually flashed you!
What must he have been thinking LOL

my dad (an ex-Cop) got into serious trouble for leaving a breathlyser (sp?) (one of the big old stylee clunky ones) on the roof of his plod car and driving away. They never found it and he was mercilessly teased for the rest of his police career (which strangely, never really took off after that) :D
I was eyeing up some totty whilst filling up my old car and was so distracted I left the fuel cap on the boot.

After a 300mile trip later and going to refuel for the return trip I noticed the lack of the petrol cap :(

lordrobs said:
Thanks for the offer mate. Damn close but just one digit out- i've got a 306 :p
I should try your local breakers. Pity you're so far away - my local breakers have got no less than 3 306's in and I'm pretty sure they've all got parcel shelves in!
I was in the Maccy D near to the B+Q where this incident happened a few years ago. We saw a guy walk out and put 3 food bags on his roof. He then drove off and we saw it fly into the road. When he came back in to re-order we tried to contain our laughter - he took it well and shrugged his shoulders.

I take it a 306 shelf is bigger than a 106 shelf ?
Shimmyhill said:
I was in the Maccy D near to the B+Q where this incident happened a few years ago. We saw a guy walk out and put 3 food bags on his roof. He then drove off and we saw it fly into the road. When he came back in to re-order we tried to contain our laughter - he took it well and shrugged his shoulders.

I take it a 306 shelf is bigger than a 106 shelf ?


I work in Gorleston so this was the Great Yarmouth B&Q. Even if i'd remembered within 10 minutes one of the Yarmouth skallys would have had it away :o

Yeah the 306 shelf is deeper and wider.
I always check everything once inside my car...

So when i realised that all my tennis stuff was missing, and i needed to get to my match i was quite worried. I dashed indoors to my old man, who doesnt know where anything is ever.. so i find mum.. keeper of everything and ask her if shes seen my stuff..

2 seconds later i hear.. "Rob.. found it... check the roof of your car"..

id only bloody run straight past it...

close call...
tb2000 said:
I should try your local breakers. Pity you're so far away - my local breakers have got no less than 3 306's in and I'm pretty sure they've all got parcel shelves in!
Where abouts in Bedfordshire are you from? Are there any mk.3s there by any chance?
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