Have a look at my video

That is a pretty good video..

One thing though, I personally think there is too much flying footage. Couldnt you of incorporated some still video work with, lets say, some locals doing ther business eg: Farming, Thatching (sp) plus might be a good idea to have some traditional events filmed (dancing that sort of thing). I am not sure if you was aloud to have that sort of thing in your video but I would loved it more and I think it would have made the whole video more indepth telling you what Ireland is really like..

Top video all the same. Hope all goes well.

i wanna go ireland now... love the music.... the pace of the film just suits the speed of the music
droolinggimp said:
One thing though, I personally think there is too much flying footage.

Strange that since he has already said his theme was ariel landscape
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