Have I got it the right way around?

Well *** site hasn't gone live yet, i am just trying to avoid problems.

Currently there are only two fields.

Their Email and their message.

The Email has to be a blah @ blah . com

and the message is already scanned for headers uysing this, which i can't check if it works and i don't know how to put in headers myself :|

this is what i have:

	$valid = "false";
	if(eregi('^([0-9a-z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-z]+@([-0-9a-z]+[.])+[a-z]{2,6}$',$email) && !$crack){
		$valid = "true";

What more should i do?

Is there still not a problem with the people that are behind proxies (i suppose its just their fault - something i can live with)

.......but there are people that are behind a proxy which is isp side i think which would cause a problem.

Also with dynamic ips who get a new ip everytime they connect to their isp.
Sorry for not being clear. Yes i knew that, I was referring to the technique of logging the IP.

What I am trying to do is stop a spambot using this form to keep on emailing me continuously.

And it is my understand (from this thread), that spambots don't take into account sessions and therefore would be able to "bypass" the sessions bit and keep spamming my mailbox.

Or is all that incorrect?

What do most of you do in your forms?
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