Have I missed something...

18 Oct 2002
FIrstly, Hi all.. I am still around, just rather busy in RL :) hope everyone is well.

Secondly... what has happened in the last few weeks... it seems the road law has changed and people sit in the right hand lane on dual carridgways waiting to turn right at the roundabout at the end when they are 2-3 MILES away from the roundabout... even in zero traffic...

what the HELL are they doing :eek: that is an overtaking lane !
eidolon said:
You've missed loads while you've been gone. I'll summarise for you

Fox has got a Supercharged Elise these days, he's hooning around trying to peel the tyres off the rims.
Drexel has got a Toyota Prius, said something about feeling guilty about wasting petrol or something.
Lopez has got a brand new Corsa 1.0 as he feels the power is more than adequate.
penski has got a brand new Mondeo, got bored of rust I think.
Freefaller, well he's still got the MX5 but he sprayed it pink and had a sex change

I was reading through all of those... and genuinely I couldnt believe any of them.. until I saw the freefaller comment and just thought to myself.... yeah.. thats plausable ! :D

any joy on a vxt yet mate?
eidolon said:
I haven't put the 2 up for sale yet, I'm off skiing next week and again in March so I thought I'd wait until at least the first trip is out of the way before I advertise it.

I've been reading practically every thread on the VX forum though so I'm a bit of an expert now ;)

cool :)

id imagine your 2 should go pretty quick... if not, give me a call.. im hopefully about to start a new job at work that brings with it a 4k payrise.... could do with something a bit more giggle enducing :D
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