Having a massive clear out (Woke warning - picture of stitches in hand)

5 Aug 2013
We need to move some furniture around by next monday so we are sorting out rubbish.

Photo's -hundreds of them spanning 49 yrs so 90% are being binned but I found this one - Now this hurt -Not sure if that's first attempt or the repair.
Carpal tunnel surgery in 1993 - can't believe it's 30 yrs ago. Had both done at same time -Youth in training did my right hand and never felt a thing and consultant did this hand -woke up and my god it hurt - They sent me home but I was back in hospital same night and was in for nearly a week - Fortunately they did it again and it's been fine ever since - I think now it's key hole surgery.

Surprisingly after 30 yrs you can't see a scar on either hand -having them done was like being reborn - Riding bike I had to wind throttle wide open and get speed up then let go and shake my hand till pins and needles went -then repeat - In the end I could hardly use either hand - the Dick of a Doc kept saying it was FWT (fare wear and tear ) - this went on for years and one day I went back for some painkillers and he was on holiday - The young Doc covering for him had me a hospital appointment within weeks - Once that was done I had op a few weeks later.
I don't think anyone could imagine what the relief was like - That messed up left hand was still worth the pain to finally be free of it.
I worked with my hands and things like knocking a cable cleat in was a nightmare - you pick one up and when you put it to cable there isn't one there -you never picked it up as you couldn't feel anything.

Oh the good old days
I'm not entirely sure that someone being a consultant necessarily means they are any good. The butcher who badly put my leg back together after a bike smash in 1983 bodged it so badly I spent two years on crutches. A lesser mortal did a much better job of it a couple of years later.
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