Having an odd, yet tragic computer problem.

8 Sep 2005
All of a sudden earlier today my PC froze, could move the mouse but could not access any programs etc so I said "ehh ok" and rebooted. On reboot it froze again after about 30 secs of windows loading up. rebooted 8 times and the problem is there every time, the computer has to be turned off via the power button. I could not fix this.

Figured I was due my bi-annual reformat anyway so bit the bullet and reformatted windows from scratch and loaded all drivers + main programs with no problems whatsoever.

Then the flippin thing started doing exactly the same thing as before, hanging after 30secs - 1 min of booting up windows. I get the desktop and for 20 secs or so I have normal useage of the computer and then boom, the thing freezes.

Took out my RAM and tested it individually and the computer is doing the exact same thing so it's not a RAM issue. CPU is 100% fine i'm sure of it, and the HD's re-formatted and re-installed windows without a hiccup, scandisk also showing no errors.

The one common denominator is that I visited the windows update site reasonably close to when the problem started before and after reformatting, though I dont see how the windows update software could cause such a problem as this in any way, shape or form, and my XP Pro is fully legit.

I am completely stumped and pretty ****** off right now, do you guys think it sounds like a PSU issue maybe? Could the HD be screwed? Any ideas would be appreciated!

EDIT - IE won't open but some programs can now be accessed as after a LONG freeze the computer sort of came back to life and displayed some error messages, NOD32 is running now on the microscopic chance that this is virus-related. Gaahh.

EDIT EDIT - Got a message on screen: Windows cannot find http://localhost:3476/cgi-bin/ncgir....fwl_index.html

NOD32 also showed a blue message about some MBR (Master Boot record) error... does this mean my HD has failed? it was 100% fine this morning, and scandisk ran error free!

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I am now in safe mode and all is running fine, it hasnt frozen at all. Could windows update be screwing me or anyone got any other suggestions?

Shall I try re-installing and not doing any windows updates?
Yep, sounds like a software problem to me. Something on Windows Update seems to be buggy. It's a pain when you have to keep reinstalling XP to isolate the problem, which is why I recommend buying Acronis True Image. But that's besides the point at the moment.
lol the irony is I do actually have Acronis trueimage installed on my PC but haven't got a recent backup, but I guess a reformat every now and then is a good thing. I also keep ALL of my main files on seperate HD's so I never lose anything major. I'm just downloading SP2 now and then im going nowhere near the windows update site... never experienced that before in my life, I hate problems like that.

Crappy MS! :mad: ;)
just as an aside, i'd slipstream your XP Pro disk with your SP2 download. This will iron out any potential problems in the future when applying updates to a fresh build.

I can dig out the link to the slipstream guide that I used if you want
Fakel1ty said:
I can dig out the link to the slipstream guide that I used if you want

Please mate that would be very useful... does SP1 need to be incorporated too? My CD is old, has no service pack on it whatsoever.
yup i recommend that too, it really makes everything a whole lot easier when installing windows xp. In fact, using nLite, you can add all the latest patches to your XP disk :D
W. T. F.

I installed SP2 qand this seemed to cure the problem completely for a short while, it was as if the problem had never been there. Then I reboot after installing a couple more programs and I am now getting errors from "Windows Generic Host Processes 32" and also I am getting a message that svchost.exe has errored and needs to be closed. Not. *******. Good. :(
Maybe it's your hdd that has the problem.Can you install windows on a different drive to rule it out?
Been doing some major research on Google and it appears there is an issue with windows update installing some sound driver which completely screws your computer http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/WinXP/Q_20867724.html

I got this error after a clean install,after windows updates...After most of my drivers....

I got fed up and reformatted again....Used Killdisk...

I took my time and did one thing at a time trying to see what triggered it and the last few things I did was a sound driver update "from windows update"...This has the nforce chipset drivers etc...

Lo and behold after reading that I go to check my sound device and it's not working, saying no audio drivers are installed. There is also a microsoft hotfix for this which i'm going to try. Aside from that I am going to remove my audio components and re-install.

This is a surprisingly common problem accvording to my Google http://www.google.co.uk/search?sour...05-52,GEUA:en&q=generic+host+process+32+error

I'll just have to play around and find the solution. I actually like problems like this as I always learn something new and the next time I see it or a friend has it then I will be able to help. Was infuriating to start with though, never seen that error before in my life. :)
Richdog said:
Been doing some major research on Google and it appears there is an issue with windows update installing some sound driver which completely screws your computer
Another example of Windows Update causing more problems than it really solves which is why I just don't bother updating anymore.

Can't you uninstall said update?
yes it should be in add/remove programs panel

also use msconfig to get rid of anything you dont use like error reporting service and security centre (i use a seperate package)

i dont update my windows either
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