Having problems trying run a game

3 Mar 2014
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
I recently brought an old game I used to play called Largo Winch: Empire Under Threat. I tried running set up but nothing seems to show up. I ran as the admin and still nothing. I also edited the following options

Run in Windows XP & 98/ME compatibility mode
Reduced colour mode 16/8bit
Run in 640 x 480
disabled fullscreen optimizations

Nothing seems to work. I even installed it to my Windows XP via VirtualBox, it installed but it kept giving me problems in the graphics settings since it didn't recognise my monitor type.

I run Windows 10
If specs are needed I will give them to you
I ran the setup.exe again and checked out the task manager, the CPU sits around 3.5% while 1.4MB in memory, so it's running but nothing is happening. I know it isn't the CD since I installed it on my XP VM. I even created an Image of the disc to see if that would work. Nothing. I'm honestly running out of options. Worst case would be getting my hands on an old computer with XP but I am hoping to avoid that. haha.
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