Having problems updating my video files on my TV

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
On my new Hisense TV I have got a Plex App plus I can also see my NAS when I click on the Source button.
Both methods play my videos very well however both programs show old videos that I've deleted off the NAS and I can't see any way of telling my TV to 'Update Library' like I can do if I'm using a Firestick.
I have noticed my Firestick version of Plex does have an Update Library but the TV version doesn't.

Anybody else had this problem and can point me in the right direction?

So this is what is in my wife's folder on the NAS


This is what is seen on the TV's source and Plex


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use your pc to update your files on the plex app , you can also delete the old files from the app

i have a panasonic 902b and a hisense , bang for buck the hisense is brilliant
use your pc to update your files on the plex app , you can also delete the old files from the app

I could have sworn I tried that before.
Web version of Plex > Scan Library Files > can now be seen on the Hisense.

i have a panasonic 902b and a hisense , bang for buck the hisense is brilliant

I've never been a fan of TVs and quality until I saw my daughters Hisense over Christmas.
I've been into many houses over the years and it's been a shoulder shrug when they have something on saying "Look at the quality" but this Hisense blew me away.
Finally after 15 years of our normal Panasonic the wife agreed to this 7300 Hisense.
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