Having Trouble Posting Images

28 Dec 2022
I have read the advice in this thread https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/useful-information.18814339/ but still cannot post an image. I have tried using links from my own website and from flickr but I get the same result every time: "Image cannot be loaded from the passed link".

Do you need to have a certain number of posts to link to images?

The flickr image has been made public and the URL is https://www.flickr.com/photos/197445031@N06/52625430539 (or https://flic.kr/p/2obk64i when shortened).

Additionally, there is mention in the first link I posted of further info in the FAQ. However, searching for FAQ does not produce any relevant results and I cannot see a FAQ listed in the forums.

All help appreciated.
He/she's a cutie.

Not sure with Flickr but you're essentially after the forum embedding code (sometimes referred to as bbcode). I know on imgur when you upload and select share links you can copy the forum code and literally paste it right into a reply - no additional formatting required.
She's my "companion dog" provided by Bravehound to veterans with health issues. Love her to bit's, absolutely hilarious!
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