Havn't PC gamed for a while...

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
I havn't really played many games on my PC for around a year now...

I don't have loads of spare cash at the moment so can you recommend any good games I could have missed that will now be a little cheaper than full price?

I was thinking of getting F.E.A.R & HL2, also Farcry.

Any games from other genres you could recommend? RTS?


I wouldn't bother with FEAR, it's not in the same class as Battlefield 2 and FarCry. I would say UT2004 is far better than FEAR.
BF2 and COD2 are about the best for FPS. I'd still say the king of RTS is C&C Generals, but then, thats the only RTS game I have! :D Although chances are if you get Generals now you will lose about every game you play as people playing it now are hardcore good.
Half-Life 2, you'll have to try and get the best deal on Game of the Year edition, as I doubt you'll find a new copy the original packaging, and second hand, it'll be a bit of hassle with Steam accounts and all that.
(If you havn't heard of Steam, see my Sig ;))

Other Genres?

Knights of the Old Republic - Can be found for <£13

Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) can be found for <£10
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Heh i havent really played many fps's at uni due to the UDP Blocking, when i got back i got straight back onto CSS and well i wasnt that good... i mean sure i had a positive k/d Ratio but i just wasnt the same....

Id definatly get BF2 and HL2 both brilliant games with great Mods.
Ive played FarCry and F.E.A.R and althoguh Fear was a bit pants i still thought it was an ok game.
im hearing good things about ubersoilder and the Godfather....

You can have hours of fun with any of the Jedi Knight games, im sure there quite cheap now as there a bit dated.
Also KOTOR and KORTOR II Are both great fun

AOEIII is pretty good for an RTS - although i got bored of it after awhile

And if all else fails.... The Elder Scrools: IV Oblivion ;)

Hope this helps...
NokkonWud said:
Slipped my mind.
Best game of 2005 by a mile!

Until you have to reformat and play the damn thing through again as you've lost the saves :(

Other than that it's a stonking good game - so far
ben_j_davis said:
Common peeps - Elder Scroll's 4 - Oblivion 4tw.

Well, he's asking for older games that don't cost full price, though you can get it for <£24 I've found.
depending on your system I wouldnt bother with Fear, COD2 and maybe Battlefield 2. They aint that cheap for a start and and they take a good system to look there best. HL2 is a good one tho as you will get css with it, hours of game play there, plus it does not run too bad on older systems if thats the case.
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