Hayfever sufferers: Building up an immunity to pollen (local honey)

8 Feb 2004
Every year I suffer from hayfever. Anti-histamines seem to have no effect on me.

This year I want to try something different.

I've heard building up immunity to pollen is possible by eating lots of locally produced honey and honey comb. Where do I find local suppliers of honey in the UK? I've tried a couple of health food shops but no joy on local stuff.

Any other ideas or has anyone had success using honey?

Well i havn't tried the honey method, but I do think its possible to build up an immunity. About 7 years ago I started getting it really bad, eyes closing, sneezing every 10 seconds, but about 2 years ago it kinda mellowed out. I still get it, but as long as I dont rub my eyes, they stay ok and I hardly sneeze.
Have you tried Flixonase Allergy Nasal Spray? Can be bought over the counter in chemists now but used to be only on prescription. Works well.

See if you've got any local bee keepers near you.
I get my Honey and comb for a place local to me, its seasonal stuff though.
I heard that local honey suppressing hayfever symptoms was a complete myth, although I have tried it in the past but with little effect. I can't find any decent unbiased sources on the subject though.
My brother is 33 and suffers badly from Hayfever. We both used to get it full on when we were young, but he still suffers just the same and had to rely on taking lots of tablets etc.

Anyway, as of two summers ago he tried the honey solution and has 1 teaspoon a morning of local honey and he absolutely swears that it has 99% cured his Hayfever. When telling me about it he couldn't stress enough just how much of a difference it has made.

So yeah, I would say it works :)
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Not quite the same but it works for my horse. He gets awful hayfever and a couple of years back I gave him honey for the spring summer season. He was fine that year and hasn't shown bad symptoms since.

Try your local farmshops, sometimes even supermarkets carry their localy produced honey.
Ah, good to know it has helped people..

mark66 do you know if your brother takes it all year round, or just during spring + summer?
caff said:
Ah, good to know it has helped people..

mark66 do you know if your brother takes it all year round, or just during spring + summer?
Just asked my brother and he has sent me this reply:

I started in March/April I think. I'm not doing it right now, but I'll be starting again soon. It's really important to get good quality honey, preferably from local flowers and spun off the honeycomb, not boiled and filtered like most supermarket honey is. Your best bet is to find a local hobbyist who sells at local fairs or farm shops, etc. I'm
lucky because there's that dedicated honey shop in SW London. The
action of boiling and filtering (which often involves blending too)
removes the active ingredients and/or the pollen so it's then a
pointless exercise.


Hope this helps.
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