Hazard Perception

4 May 2009
Got theory test tomorrow and this thing still confuses me as to what they actually want. It took me 3 tries on my car licence and even then I think it was by chance I got enough to pass.

So....anyone know what is actually expected? I've tried looking it up and there are different explanations. One is click as soon as you see a potnetial hazard and then click again a second after. The other is click as soon as you see a potential hazard and then click again when it is a 'developing'/actual hazard.
You've left it a bit late to do revision...
I booked the test last week and have been going through the theory every day :)

Are you struggling with what the hazards are or simply how the test works?

I have a good idea of what the hazards are but was just trying to get an idea of when you are expected to click. I did a few online hazard tests last night and played with it to try and understand what I did to get the higher marks on each one. I does seem to vary wildly as if I click as soon as a see a car down a narrow bendy road it might pick it up it might not.

I think I'll employ the tactic of click for potential hazard and then again when it has become something you will have to react to, and then click again shortly after
Both on the same day seems a bit stressful too. Normally if you pass one test you get to have a beer, not go and do another test straight away.

Sounds like a money-making scheme that. I'd ask them if you can schedule them 1 week apart so if you do fail the mod1 you can phone up straight away and cancel it. If they disagree ask them what their pass rate is.

I work with someone who passed with these guys and he seemed pretty happy with the whole thing. You can opt to not have the mod 2 straight after, but i think it means an additional fee as the test center is about a 40 min ride from the training ground (im not saying this is the reason, im just guessing)
Gonna try and do mine again soon but I really think its down to the luck of the draw if I pass :o. Obviously I can tell what a hazard is but its getting the timing right to click is my problem I think

I failed all the mock hazard tests I took. Then I changed tack and clicked about 3 times about half a second apart for the developing hazards in teh actual test - and passed.
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