Hazro 27WC/WA monitors. OEM/VARs or actually made by Hazro?

18 Jul 2009
So what’s the actual storey with these Hazro HZ27WA monitors, who actually designed and made the product?

We know the IPS panels are made by LG Display, we are probably getting A- quality panels where Dell / Apple are probably getting A+ hence the rather high faulty pixel policy.

But who really designs the casing / electronics etc, with Hazro being a very small company I would bet this is just a rebranding operation. Where are they built? China / Taiwan?
I don’t mean its designed by Hazro and then built by whoever (like apple with foxcon), but more like designed and built by whoever and just re-branded by hazro?

I know someone posted in here its made in the UK, but I would say its very unlikely. Well even if it was it would be more like assembled in UK.
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Thanks for the reply.

Sorry if you thought I was being negative, I wasn’t. I was being more inquisitive rather than accusing the company of any wrong doing.

Re the panel quality and the rest it was only an educated guess, I love my display.

I did have a look at the label to see if I could find the EMS/ECM maker but didn’t have any luck.

Thing started out as curiosity regarding the PCB / electronic makers of the scaler.. with me being a bit of a geek with electronics..

Anyway.. well done with the monitors..
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