HD 660 S sounds terrible

6 Oct 2007
North West
No soundstage, shouty mids with a boxed in sound, awful, How they can charge £400+ is a joke. Had them one day and returned. My AH-D2000 puts them to shame.
Is this a case of it sounds different to what your ears are used too so it sounds carp? Every review I've seen says they are pretty good.
When I first got my HD650's after using AKG K702 as my main phones I felt the same, shouty mids, muddy highs, etc. I stuck with them and after listening to them non stop for three or four hours I actually heard my brain adjust - the highs all of a sudden became detailed and the mids no longer overwhelmed the rest of the FR and all of a sudden I had this lush, smooth sounding pair of headphones that didn't need to attack my eardrums like icepicks. :D
Same thing happened when I got my AH-D7200's after 18 months of Beyer DT1990's as my go to headphones. They sounded pretty dull in the highs while their bass hit like a hammer - after a few hours my brain seemed to dial in the new signature and all was right in the world - they rarely come off my head these days :)
Well, Sennheiser is known for having as rule smooth treble, while open design dynamic driver headphones usually are lighter also on most of the bass.
That kinda leaves emphasis on mids, with Sennheiser aiming for "warm" sound in there.
While AH-D2000 has closed design's bass and treble doesn't seem to be smoothed.
This is how i felt about my hd 650 vs fidelios lol the hd 650 still in the box used them once
i'll sell them for 3x more than I paid in 10 years as they are discontinued and are in as good as new condition
HD660S are supposedly easier to drive but the 600/650's performance depends hugely on amp - a lot of amps simply don't get the best out of them. I've not experienced it with the 660S but the 600s if your amp isn't up to them the bass and treble tend to collapse, mid-range is muddy but could be perceived as shouty. I think a lot of people - even those happy with them have never experienced the joys of the 600 series with the right amp given how some describe them.

While they do tend to have a bit of an intimate presentation something very wrong if they sound more boxed in than closed back headphones.
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