If by 'preserving HD quality' you mean the high 720/1080 resolution, then no, not on a conventional DVD. You can of course burn the raw/compressed video file but it will not be playable on a normal DVD player, but it will not be DVD compliant and you will probably never be able to watch it in 'HD quality' on anything other than a PC.
The only thing you can do is downscale the resolution to native DVD, the quality will still be very nice, given that its from a nice camera, but it wont be HD quality. However, once downscaled you can treat it exactly as you would any other dvd compliant source and do what you want in the authoring process.
AFAIK the HD home video market is a long way off being available to the masses, you can of course get blu-ray burners and HD cams but im not sure theres any software around yet for authoring to blu-ray discs.
Probably not what you wanted to hear but think i'm right in what i've said.