HD cinemas?

28 Dec 2007
Maybe this is a bit of a silly question but I can't work it out...why are cinemas still not showing films in HD? The current quality of picture is just terrible, especially when you're paying nearly £10 a pop to view it.

Is it a cost problem, or simply that they don't have the relevant equipment to show films in the same quality we can view them at home on such a large projection?
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They show them at a much higher resolution than 1080p! 1080p would look awful on a screen that big.

Maybe it's the grain effects that are making you think it's poor quality.

Well it's just something I've noticed over the last couple of months after watching most of my films/tv in HD at home, when I go see a film it looks nowhere near as good as it does at home, even HD TV looks massively improved over cinema displays.
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