HD Content streamer

1 Dec 2009
Hi Guys,

Just got a NAS setup at home.

What i'm looking for now is a HDMI Streamer that reads 720/1080p content from the NAS and outputs to HDMI/Optical,

I looked at thin clients to do the job, but there must be a simpler solution with a nice interface?

Does anyone have and experience with this?


P.s if its compatible with Logitech Harmony stuff you will get a gold star!
Hairy if you have gig lans then you can get a playOn HD mini which in my experience plays MKV's and ISO's straight out of the box you can also get some lovely gui packs too!

Google it to find more of the specifications
You recon thats better than the WD TV Live?

Ive heard the search function on the Asus is a bit ropey?

EDIT - Yes I have gig lans :)
I'll check it out.


EDIT - just had a look, no dnla support. Will this be a problem streaming from the synology?
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