HD DVD to Screw Early HDTV Adopters

18 Oct 2002
west yorkshire
Doesnt bode well for guys who dashed out for a supposedly hdtv early....
AACS says the new players won't output a full-HD signal from their component-video connections, since those jacks are analog instead of digital and thus have no copy protection. The 'down-rezzed' signals will be limited to a resolution of 960 x 540 pixels -- exactly one-quarter the 1,920 x 1,080 pixels


glad i didnt fill my urge to get a new tv last year and makes me not want to get one now at all ,guess ill hang on a bit longer now mind saying that the new models seem to be on the ball now but it still makes me wonder.......still life in my old jvc WS crt yet :p
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