HD Movies for purchase on iTunes!!!

18 Oct 2002
Check out the Macrumors Linky.

This is fantastic news for those of us who want to use iTunes for movies and don't have an Apple TV.

I'm not sure how long this will take to appear in the UK iTS but no doubt us UK based people will get screwed on prices but I'm still quite excited about it.

I'm going to be very poor for a long time to come now.

What are your thoughts?

Well to be honest, I've already purchased a few HD things from iTunes, like the latest series of LOST and I'm more than happy with the quality. Ok, it's not BluRay but it's far from awful and better than SD.

I've gone off physical media and I like the convenience of using the iTunes store. I'm a bit of a minimalist so racks of DVD/BluRays gives me a headache.

As far as extra features goes; I've got 100 odd DVDs and I can honestly say that I've never watched anything but the main feature.

Like I said, I'm more than happy with the quality of iTunes HD even if it isn't *as* good as physical media.

Yeah I reckon you are better off with a real blu-ray disc. The saving wouldnt be huge over buying it online.

But then you'd have to wait for delivery and have to store the disc.

I've decided to use the rental feature to watch new films in HD and then if I like them buy the BluRay.

Two birds with one stone then - convenience at the slight cost of quality by renting and also the exceptional quality of a BR if I decided I like the film enough to warrant owning it. It also means I never buy a BR of a film I end up not liking.

I'm surprised there's not more people as excited about this as me. I know there are a few ATV owners in here - what's your take on it?

*edit* Mattus, yes if they are anything like the TV series. DRM really never bothered me though.

I'm not denying BluRay is higher quality - there's no doubt about it. However, for convenience, downloading from iTunes wins hands down. Also, while there may be a big difference between iTunes HD and a 1080p BluRay - the iTunes HD isn't terrible - It's better than SD/DVD, comparable to Sky HD and miles better than the alternative (illegal) online downloading options, so please get down from your high-horses.

I didn't start this thread to debate the IQ of iTunes Vs. BluRay - it's not even a fair fight. However, I thought the news might be of interest for those of us who have been shafted by Apple up until now by only offering HD movies to ATV owners.

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