HD onbike cam advice

24 Oct 2002
Hey guys,

Looking to purchase a bike/helmet mounted HD cam, obvious choice being the GoPro Hero 2. Also been looking at the HDMax Extreme by dogcam sports.

Anyone own or used these? Both seem have good/bad points, I like the HDmax as it looks less obtrusive strapped to your lid plus it has external mic socket and LCD display, but the Hero has wider field of vision and going by the vids on YouTube possibly better quality, but that could be down to the compression etc. What to do?!

Any views or help appreciated :)

TIA unKle
Personal opinion = GoPro all the way

Yeh i'm swaying towards them, I know if I didn't go down the Hero route i'll kick myself. Had a look through your vids, I do like the wider POV of the GoPro. Just they look quite obtrusive when lid mounted, how does it feel when out and about? Prefer mounting it to the bike?

Cheers for replying :)
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