HD Question

2 Feb 2010
Haywards Heath
I have a new Sony KDL-42W706 and and i have notice the HD is very grainy when i look close up on screen , is this normal ? or can this be sorted in my T.V settings
Most TVs are set way too sharp and with far too high a contrast setting out of the box. Other bad traits are all the additional picture processing which is supposed to improve the picture but mostly just breaks things. In short you'll find that many of the TV processing features aren't needed. All they do is obscure real detail with an artificial haze of picture noise.

Settings that make TV pictures worse...
Picture mode: Dynamic
Contrast: High or somewhere in the 90-100% region
Brightness: set too low to see shadow detail
Backlight: too high that it induces retina burn and also makes blacks look grey or blue-ish tinted. Set too low that blacks and shadow all merge in to each other but the highlights of the picture lack vibrancy
Colour: Often too high that colours look lurid or florescent. The classic Dale Winton orange tan on everyone
Colour Balance/Colour Tone: Neutral or Mid is still too blue on most TVs. Warm/Warm 1 often is closer to correct. It may look too red to start with until the colour control is turned down.
Sharpness: Nearly always way way too high.
Other sharpening or contrast enhancing features: Nearly always they can be switched off and the picture will be better for it.
Smoothing and noise reduction features: Ditto above

There's a useful tutorial on AV Forums called Picture Perfect. Have a look at that.
Lucid I have been going through picture perfect, all good, my tv has the filter function
where can I can the test patterns (pref free or v cheap)?
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