HD600 vs Medusas

15 Jan 2006
I know, I know. Mismatch of the century. Thought this deserved a mention in Sound City rather than the thread in the gaming forum in an existing thread.

I have an Asus Xonar D2 arriving tomorrow and have persuaded a friend to lend me his HD600s. The HD600s will just be plugged into my Sony Hi-Fi amp rather than a dedicated headphone amp so I may nothear them at their best. I've defended the Medusas in a few threads and I think I have the Medusas set up to get the best out of them. Will it be game over for my Medusas? Can I go back to them after a good stereo set? Which will I prefer in games and movies - 5.1 headphones vs stereo with CMSS3D (on the current X-Fi) or Dolby headphone? Will also try the medusas in stereo mode, as well as 5.1. I'm pretty sure music listening is a foregone conclusion. We'll soon see.

I'm pretty sure that if I still maintain that the Medusas aren't that bad afterwards I'll be branded a heretic and cast into the wilderness...
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Yeah, I was wondering about that. I now have the HD600s but will have to give them back fairly soon. Hopefully the Xonar will turn up later today so I'll be ready to go when I get home. I had a look online for some well recorded CDs suitable for Audiophile level listening but only turned up a bunch of people arguing on forums. I'm led to believe that the remastered versions of the first few Van Halen albums are good examples of their genre and I have those.

I have my doubts about the classical CDs in my collection. I may see if I can make a purchase this lunchtime. Any suggestions.

I'm also interested in getting a good quality binaurally recorded music CD for headphone listening. I'm thinking about Radiohead's In Rainbows, Lou Read's Street Hassle or Take no Prisoners (Live) or Pearl Jam's Binaural. Any comments on these?

Any other recommendations?

Will be taking a trip to the local independent record shop at lunchtime.
I think, some of the remastered Van Halen stuff, Alison Krauss and Union Station Live and Miles Davies Kind of Blue will be a good place to start. I already have those CDs.

It's pretty much given that the HD600s will give the medusas a thrashing for music though. I'm probably most interested in how th HD600s sound using CMSS-3D or Dolby Headphone in games and movies. I've already mentioned in other threads that I find the Medusa's more convincing for surround effects than those technologies. We'll see how much of a difference a really good set of headphones makes.
hd600 does it have 5.1 surround sound if not it fails at gaming

Do you have 5.1 ears? I think 5.1 headphones do work but binaural recordings are more convincing. With a decent soundcard some people can experience surround sound using stereo cans, using sound algorithms that approximate a binaural effect.

Hopefully this evening I'll find out if I'm one of them.
Well - a few initial thoughts.

For music I put the medusas in stereo mode and plugged them into the same Sony stereo amp as the HD600s/ The HD600s are a real treat for music - much better than the medusas. I can best describe it as being like putting on my glasses. But here's the thing. I'm not that short sighted. I pretty much sit on the boarderline of legality for driving. On a sunny day I can read a numberplate at the required distance - on a dull day I have to squint. The difference isn't like night and day but it's a real improvement.

The HD600s are like being able to see that extra detail - like seeing the mortar between the bricks on a distant building. Musically it's the difference between hearing the note and feeling the character of the instrument. You can hear things like body resonance on a guitar that just aren't apparrent the Medusas. Echoes sound distant from the head. Delicate sounds can be heard in more detail. The HD600s have a much better dynamic range. Quiet sounds are just as good as louder ones. On the medusas you can usually hear the detail but you have to turn up the volume and everything sounds flat and dull by comparison.

Have to say I'm hugely impressed with the Xonar / HD600 combination for non-binaurally recorded music. With dolby headphone it sounds like I'm sitting in front of a great stereo system rather thanlistening to headphones. Very natural sounding. I even took the headphones off to make sure the sound wasn't coming from my stereo speakers.

Onto gaming. The Medusas were moved over to their own amp, while the HD600s were still plugged into the Sony amp. Now here's the catch for me. I still don't find CMSS-3D or Dolby Headphone as convincing as the Medusa's directional sound - even on the HD600s. It's really the algorithm that makes the difference - not the headphones. I find that the HD600s give a reasonable sense of space (more so than the medusas) but not so much of direction - at least when it comes to front and behind. Sure - the HD600s sound better quality wise - no question. Tried HL2 and Crysis with both the X-Fi and the Xonar - with both sets of headphones. The Xonar seems to have problems with 5.1 in HL2 but in Crysis it's stunning. The 5.1 positioning on the Medusas is notablly better on the Xonar compared to the X-Fi . That sense of it being too wide and not deep enough that's with the X-Fi is gone.

A word on positional sound. I suppose the Medusas give a better (Edit: no not better clearer) impression of whether things are in front of or behind me. The HD600s with Dolby Headphone give a greater sense of space. If anything - the Medusas exaggerate the directional component to the sound. It's less natural sounding but more obvious (Edit: like the difference between 5.1 speakers and real life - I could see the former giving a competitive edge though).

I should mention what a pain it is to get the Medusas sounding their best. It's pretty obvious why so many people have given up on them - without going to a lot of trouble they are pretty awful. I think I've done enough to get them to competent but unspectacular level. I have the medusa amp standing on its side next to my hi-fi amp (to give a little EM shielding), a ferrite ring on the cable and the in line controls set to as close to minimum as possible. That's just to get rid of interference from my Wi-fi. The volume is controlled on the medusa amp. The DVD / CD switch is set to DVD mode. Bass crossver frequency on the soundcard is set to 100Hz. Even with all this you can hear distortion on better quality source material.

For music I've found it's better to ditch the Medusa's amp entirely. Switch the DVD / CD switch to CD mode (which spreads sound accross all drivers and redirects the bass to the sub channel) and plug in to a better amp. Most of the distortion problems disappear, which proves what a dreadful piece of kit the Medusa amp is.

So what will I be doing in future? It may surprise some of you but I'll be keeping the Medusas for gaming (Edit: longer term I could see myself getting used to Dolby Headphone though) and I'll even listen to music on them for the time being . They will (Edit: probably) remain my second choice behind surround speakers for gaming. I will definitely look into getting a better set of stereo cans in future but don't fancy spending £200 odd on them. I may look into one of the sub £100 Goldring, Grado or Sennheiser sets.

Edit: This has reminded me how subjective audio can be. It amazes me that so many people swear blind that 5.1 headphones do not work. I think the truth is that they may or may not work, depending on the individual. It's pretty certain that the quality just isn't good enough though.
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As I said - for directional sound - my criticism isn't of the HD600s - it's of the CMSS-3D and Dolby Headphone algorithms. If they improve the algorithm I would gladly use the HD600s for gaming and movies over the Medusas. Dolby headphone was an improvement over CMSS-3D and it provided a very convincing soundstage in front of me. Maybe a future soundcard will get it right. Binaural recordings on the HD600s are very convinging and this is the standard that I'm looking for.

As for the Medusas' musical abilities: they were better than Ipod buds or the earbuds I got with my walkman phone. This only applies to stereo mode and certainly isn't the case in 5.1 mode.

To use a football analogy: the HD600s are a great all-rounder, a bit like a Stephen Gerrard. You could use them in most positions and they'll do a very good job - a superb job if you play them in their favoured position. The Medusas are more like a League 2 goalkeeper. They are in no way as good as Gerrard but you might play them in their position over the much better all rounder (and if they played 5-a-side outfield with their non pro mates they'd probably look very good). I don't think there's a Petr Cech or Van dr Sar equivalent in the headphone world, and I dread to think how much you'd pay for one if there was.
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And so it begins... Have given the HD600s back already and am just listening to music on the medusas.

It sounds muddy, flat, lifeless. Dolby headphone just sounds tinny rather than spacious <removes headphones>

Thank goodness I have a reasonable amp and speakers otherwise I could see myself spending lots of money pretty quickly.
Just a note - listening with a set of Goldring DR100s at the moment. It's pretty clear that my amp didn't have the grunt to drive the HD600s to their full potential. Using the Xonar and the Sony amp, these DR100s are answering a few subconcious questions I had about why a few artists didn't sound as good on record as they do live (they do - it's just that I didn't have the equipment to hear it)! Will post a proper impressions thread later. I have a set of DR50s on the way too (don't ask) so we'll see how they do as well.
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