HDA Digital X-Plosion

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Can someone tell me if that with the following sound card:
HDA Digital X-Plosion 7.1 DTS Connect

That i can have my AV setup connected over optical, and then by flicking a switch in the software, have it output the sound instead to an analogue output?

Thanks in advance all. :)
LadFromWales85 said:
You can set it to output to either one or the other, or both at the same time! So its as flexible as you can ever be :)

that's not strictly true, not if the latest drivers affect the x-plosion as the do the x-mystiques. as it stands, i cant run a digital output without having analogue on as well. This has only happened recently with the newest drivers.
Thats odd James :( it works fine here, I have a set of 5.1 speakers attached with digital, and my stereo amp over analog. I can enable or disable either of them, or have them both running with no issues.

Putting some more thought into it, I do recall an issue with disabling analog, but I can't remember what it was...driver glitch though I guess...
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