HDA Mystique failed?

2 Jun 2005
Last night my PC blue screened, IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. According to WinDbg it was probably caused by CMUDA3.SYS, the system driver for the HDA Mystique. At this point I noticed the device manager no longer listed the soundcard, and had an 'Unknown device' in its place.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the driver with the setup utility [two different versions], installing the driver manually through Device Manager, and System Restore. Each time I can only get back to the 'Unknown Device'. When installing manually my PC hangs the first time before the login screen appears with just a black screen and no disk activity at all. If I force reboot again, it logs in fine and the device is listed correctly but it says 'This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)'.

So other than a hardware fault is there anything else I can try to coax it into life? I bought it from OcUK last December so it's still under warranty if I have to RMA it.

Any advice or comments welcomed, thanks.
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