26 Dec 2005
Can anyone recommend a good quality HDMI-HDMI cable about 2 metres in length. I'm willing to spend anything upto £20. It will be used to connect a dvd player to a HD ready TV.

Thanks folks.
I think you might struggle to find a budget cable for that price.

HDMI cables are notoriously expensive, ranging from about £50 for midrange to £100 for top brand stuff.
As its a digital cable you probably wont notice any difference between a low cost quality cable to a high cost one, steer clear of the realy cheap ones though as you want some thing with at least half decent build quality.
Ive got one that cost £18 from an auction site and a £80 IXOS and you realy cant tell them apart, yes the IXOS is a lot better built but there is no difference in picture quality, if you were going for a longer length then the difference between cables would show up as you would probably lose more signal though the cheap cable.
Technical jargon incoming...

AFAIK the way HDMI signal works means there is no point at all in spending an extra on an 'audiophile' hi-grade cable, even more so than with other digital devices, as HDMI sends an asynchronous 'packetised' data and clock signal and as such there is no way jitter (which is what degrades quality of a digital signal) can be caused by the cable, which is why people will spend lots of money to get a high quality cable.

Over very long cable runs, sure, you start to get problems where a better quality cable may improve things slightly, but for a 2m length I'd just get the cheapest possible cable :)
I'm willing to spend anything upto £20.

ROFL ... I bet you are .

Get ready for some open wallet surgery .

I think the lowest price i have seen then ( in the shops ) is about £40 ... and thats for just your joe public cable .. no fancy shmancy gear ;)

And if your talking 2 meters ROFL your in for a shock man ahahahah LOL @ £ 20
Unless you're going over a long distance (4m +) then you'll see no benefit with a £100 cable over a £5 cable.

An online computer retailer sells a 2m HDMI-HDMI cable for £3.95

I bought one recently, and compared it to a £50 Belkin jobby... no difference. Hence the Belkin is now sold! :p
People spending £125 on a 1m HDMI cable are either blind or pretty stupid.
maddad68 said:
ROFL ... I bet you are .

Get ready for some open wallet surgery .

I think the lowest price i have seen then ( in the shops ) is about £40 ... and thats for just your joe public cable .. no fancy shmancy gear ;)

And if your talking 2 meters ROFL your in for a shock man ahahahah LOL @ £ 20

How does it feel to mouth off about stuff you don't know about? Digital is digital, you don't need a "fancy schmancy" cable. As others have said before, as long as it's connected, it's giving you the best quality.

Okay thanks everyone, good feedback there. I never realised they could cost that much.

Thanks again.
Caged said:
How does it feel to mouth off about stuff you don't know about? Digital is digital, you don't need a "fancy schmancy" cable. As others have said before, as long as it's connected, it's giving you the best quality.

errrm at what point did i say he needed a "fancy schmancy" one ?

If you read... you can read can't you ? ..I said
I think the lowest price i have seen then ( in the shops ) is about £40 ... and thats for just your joe public cable .. no fancy shmancy gear

So befor you start gobbing off ..get your facts right
Anyway.. as I said, £5 is all you need to spend on any 1-2m HDMI/DVI cable.

Spend the money saved on decent speaker cable, where the difference in price is important! :D
mcmad said:

uh oh.. snake oil time...

Ummm I don't think anyone disputes the fact that having decent quality analogue cables (interconnects and speaker cable mainly) improves sound quality..

£10 per metre speaker cable sounds a lot better than £1 per metre!

If you connect your amp and CD player with a £50 pair of interconnects, you should hear a big difference compared to the free ones that came in the box!!
Or you could just make your own from some decent quality cheap cable. Works for me and i am damned if i can tell any difference between expensive speaker cable/interconnects with home made ones.
Raider said:
Ummm I don't think anyone disputes the fact that having decent quality analogue cables (interconnects and speaker cable mainly) improves sound quality..

£10 per metre speaker cable sounds a lot better than £1 per metre!

If you connect your amp and CD player with a £50 pair of interconnects, you should hear a big difference compared to the free ones that came in the box!!

interconnects I can agree with to a point, mV level signals are certainly more sensitve to noise/crosstalk etc & I have plenty first hand experience of good & bad ones (although I wouldn't be temped to spend 50 quid on them).

speaker cable certainly not.

Over the years I have tried many exotic speaker cables, spent stupid amounts of money & convinced myself that I was hearing an improvement. Finally I gave in to some friends suggestions that we did a bit of a blind test, guess what, none of us could hear a bloomin difference between a bit of twin & earth mains cable & my 20 quid a meter cable. Digital storage scope showed no difference between them either.

the cable I now use is from farnell, nice & flexible speaker cable (unlike twin & earth which can be a bugger to route) & cost 30 quid for 50m, thats 60p a metre.

specs below..

Order Code: 8436258
SPEAKER CBL 4.00 50M; Cores, number of:2; Material, primary insulation:PVC; Conductor make-up:210/0.15mm; Area, conductor CSA:4.0mm²

so thats multi strand OFC cable with 4mm CSA for 60p a meter, I doubt anything will beat it.

I have yet to see any tests anywhere that can show a measured difference that justifies expensive speaker cable.
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