HDMI - Sound

16 Nov 2010
Hi guys,

This may be a really silly question :)

What it is im wondering if i connect a HDMI cable to my computer will it transmit the sound as well? Like it does on a Playstation or Blu Ray ETC.

Basicly i want to connect my PC to my TV at home i was wondering if i connect the HDMI if i will get video/sound or just Video, Then i will need to use the headphone jack again.
This is going to sound like a really odd question again i think.

Im looking at getting a new computer setup, a Sandybridge mobo with Intel 2500k CPU, If my Graphics card only has DVI out but the motherboard has an HDMI out, would the HDMI socket use my graphics card signal OR only the on board graphics.

Basicly will the HDMI on the mobo only display the onboard graphics card or will it pipe out my PCI-e graphics.

Thanks in advance
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