HDMI splitter with HDMI Audio Converter issues

8 Apr 2011
Hi guys,

So recently I bought a HDMI splitter to go with my HDMI audio converter (this is for sound output on my monitor that has no speaker)

My current setup is this:

an Xbox with output to TV and PC monitor (with external sound using a HDMI audio converter)

I have connected my HDMI splitter to my TV and monitor but the output to the PC monitor does not appear to be working, I assume it is something to do with having the audio converter on the end of this?

I really have limited knowledge with this so any ideas would be great
Does it work if you take the HDMI audio converter out of the mix?

I.e. plug Xbox into splitter, and then splitter to PC monitor and TV.

I'd be pretty surprised if it does, but if it does work then we can try something else.

If it doesn't, then you'll likely need a dual output AV Receiver.
What resolution is the TV and what resolution is the monitor?
If the Xbox is set to a resolution or refresh rate not supported by the monitor, it may display nothing.

Then you have handshake issues with HDMI when using splitters. some devices will not communicate correctly about what they support when used with splitters, and if you also put another device between the monitor and the splitter, there is even less chance of correct communication between source and host.

As Roy says, does the splitter/monitor combo work with out the audio device?

Also, does the monitor work with the audio device if you take the splitter out of the circuit?
Does it work if you take the HDMI audio converter out of the mix?

I.e. plug Xbox into splitter, and then splitter to PC monitor and TV.

I'd be pretty surprised if it does, but if it does work then we can try something else.

If it doesn't, then you'll likely need a dual output AV Receiver.

I will try this tonight and let you guys know

What resolution is the TV and what resolution is the monitor?
If the Xbox is set to a resolution or refresh rate not supported by the monitor, it may display nothing.

Then you have handshake issues with HDMI when using splitters. some devices will not communicate correctly about what they support when used with splitters, and if you also put another device between the monitor and the splitter, there is even less chance of correct communication between source and host.

As Roy says, does the splitter/monitor combo work with out the audio device?

Also, does the monitor work with the audio device if you take the splitter out of the circuit?

ill check both resolutions this evening. Yup the monitor works with the audio device with the splitter out of the equation.

thanks for your help guys


these are the prodcuts I have:

AUDIO HDMI converter - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00H8T1DJ8?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
HDMI splitter - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00H8T1DJ8?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
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Jesus wept!

Fixed! all I needed to do was to power cycle the audio splitter, which I apparently didn't do the first time.
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