HDR Exposure

1 Aug 2003
Hi - not posted here before and only recently started playing with photography on my Lumix LX2 so forgive my nooby questions :D

So HDR rendering, I take bracketed shots of -1,0,+1 EV and photomatrix does its thing. Lovely. But why can't you just programatically over and under expose a single, normally exposed image to create the final HDR render? Or better still, why can't HDR algorithms simply work out the final image from a single frame.

I take it there is 'more information' in a set of three distinct images than a single frame can provide if you were to under and over expose it in CS2 say, but that sugests to me that the exposure adjustment in CS2 is a hack and doesn't really do what it says on the tin. Am I missing something?

Thanks :D
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Thanks guys,

Like I said, never claimed to be an expert (white ;)) I'll go read cy's guide. Nice to be encouraged and not just shot down :p. Growse, the pic was good, thanx.

Should probbably find some technical references to digital photography too (appature, shutter priority modes etc..) to bootstrap my learning not to mention composition guides. The only reference I have is the camera manual :rolleyes:. I'll do a search - sure there has been discussion on decent books\websites already.

So I'm putting myself through an intensive few weeks of learning the technology, getting familiar with my camera, photoediting processes and the like before I go travelling (Canada) in a few weeks. What would be really handy is a syllabus, a step-by-step guide to photography. I really want to gain a fundamental understanding of the concepts - it's all too tempting to go shooting without knowing what you are doing....

Thanks dude, I'll check it out. From the reviews on <BOOK SHOP NAMED AFTER A RIVER> it seems well respected, only 15 notes too :D
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