HE discount question



22 Jan 2006
Sarf Landon
I'm thinking about getting a MBP. As I am currently doing an OU course that could potentially lead to a BSc, would I be eligible for the HE discount?

I know I could probably blag it anyway, but I would rather be above board just in case.
You can get 14% if your 1337.

Seriously though, I think you can get a one-time 20% discount if you are a ADC member, but you have to join up, and the fee is about £350 :/
The amount depends on what you buy, some machines are 13, some are 14.

Its 14.97% discount on the 2.4 GHz base model 15inch MBP.
(from £1299 to £1104.50, a saving of £194.50)

Its 14.98% discount on the 2.5GHz model 15inch MBP.
(from £1599 to £1359.48, a saving of £239.52)


(Of course this also varies depending on which institution you claim to be a part of, and also might vary depending on which mac you get.)
They obviously like students more. :p

Probably because we're the sort to be blowing our student loans on expensive shiny things...
We probably get a bigger discount because the money with which we're buying it (in the exception of Maintenance Grants) will have to be paid back.

Makes sense to me although it's no surprise to see someone in the NHS get that particular end of the stick.
It is available in Apple stores, (with proof obviously) but be aware, not in Premium Resellers.
You can get the HE discount by talking to an apple assistant with the 'Chat Now' feature online.

They said that they can process the order through that. I havent tried it yet but will be doing so in the next few days.
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